
How to Backup Windows 11? Check out These 6 Easy Steps

How to Backup Windows 11? Check out These 6 Easy Steps

With just a few simple steps, you can create a backup of your entire Windows 11 or Windows 10 system and restore it when needed, without having to reinstall the entire operating system. The following are detailed instructions on how to backup Windows 11 system. We made the article with a PC running Windows 11, but you can apply the same to a PC running Windows 10 as well.Usually, when a Windows 11 computer has an operating system failure, you need to reinstall it with all the necessary software and reset everything according to usage habits. These operations often take…
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How to Install Windows 11 on M1 Mac or Intel? Top 4 Easy Recommendations

How to Install Windows 11 on M1 Mac or Intel? Top 4 Easy Recommendations

Parallels makes it easy to run Windows 11 on M1 Mac or Intel using a virtual machine. On an Intel Mac, you can easily run your favorite Windows programs alongside your Mac applications.So, How to install Windows 11 on M1 Mac or Intel? Easy Steps to FollowWhy Use Parallels?Parallels is a virtual machine program, which means it runs a separate operating system in an emulated computer (called a virtual machine) on your Mac. With Parallels, you can run Windows apps side-by-side with Mac apps using a mode called Coherence, or you can easily open the Windows desktop to work with…
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How to Fix File Explorer not Opening? 9 Easiest Recommendations

How to Fix File Explorer not Opening? 9 Easiest Recommendations

File explorer is considered an important component of Windows. So, if you can't open it, please refer to this instruction to fix file explorer not opening on your computer in easiest ways. How Do I Fix File Explorer not Opening? Steps by Steps Tutorial File explorer is the default file management tool on Windows, it allows you to browse through your files, folders, and drives easily. However, like any other program, File explorer is not without problems. One of the most common problems is that you cannot start File Explorer. Usually, you can fix these problems by restarting your computer.…
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How to Split Screen Windows 11? 2 Easy Steps That Anyone Can Do

How to Split Screen Windows 11? 2 Easy Steps That Anyone Can Do

You can apply the ways to split screen Windows 11 in this article to increase efficiency when working as well as entertainment. If you often have to work with multiple applications simultaneously, switching between windows can be confusing, time consuming, and even annoying when you have to constantly use the Alt + Tab key combination. However, Windows 11 has a solution to help you improve your multitasking experience: the Snap feature. Before going through the tutorial on how to split screen Windows 11 and practice, you need to make sure the Snap feature is enabled in the Settings app. Enable…
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How to Reset Windows 11 to Factory Without Password? 2 Easy Ways to Follow

How to Reset Windows 11 to Factory Without Password? 2 Easy Ways to Follow

For various reasons, sometimes you'll want to factory reset your Windows 11 computer. Factory reset is an operation that returns the computer to its original state with default settings. There are a few ways to make this work, but all of them require you to be logged in and the computer with an admin account. However, there will be times when you get stuck at the login screen due to forgetting your password and then you will need factory reset methods without a password. How to Reset Windows 11 To Factory when I Forgot the Password? There are two ways…
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How to Block a Website on Your Computer Without Using Software

How to Block a Website on Your Computer Without Using Software

When you use a computer, there will be many different websites that provide different information to users. But among them, there are also some websites with bad content that make you want to block that website, but you don't know how to block that website quickly and thoroughly. Today, I will show you how to block a website on your computer without installing any softwares. 1. How to Block a Website on Your Computer Simply by Editing the Hosts File Step 1: You must find the folder containing the hosts file by following the following path: “C:WindowsSystem32driversetc”. You can open…
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How to Clean Up Junk Files to Speed up PC

How to Clean Up Junk Files to Speed up PC

Instructions for sorting and cleaning junk files on Windows 10 help free up space and improve computer performance. In this article, we will explain to you why we need to clean up junk files and how to classify these junk files for cleaning them in most basic and simple ways. Please follow along. First of all, Why Do We Need to Clean Up Junk Files? Junk files are like packages of chips, tissues or other items that we throw in the trash, they have no use value. Storing junk files in your computer will make the system as well as…
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How to Install Windows 11 on Wmware for Best Experiences

How to Install Windows 11 on Wmware for Best Experiences

In this article, will show you how to install Windows 11 on VMWare virtual machine. This installation method helps you have a smooth-running version of Windows 11 with an internet connection.Instructions to install Windows 11 on VMware virtual machines and how to get best experienceFirst, before installing Windows 11 on a virtual machine, you need to prepare the following:Download and install VMware Workstation 16 Player, it's free softwareISO file of Windows 11, you can download it at the link we provide belowHow to download Windows 11, download official Windows 11 ISO from MicrosoftStep 1: First you open VMware Workstation…
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How to Turn off Windows 11 Computers Without Using a Mouse

How to Turn off Windows 11 Computers Without Using a Mouse

Like its predecessor, Windows 11 offers many ways to shut down your computer. In this article, I will share with you some ways how to turn off Windows 11 that you may not know. So, How to Turn off Windows 11 Using Keyboard? Turning off the computer is definitely a job that everyone knows. However, many people just use a familiar method of accessing the Start button, then selecting the Power menu and then pressing the Shutdown button. So, are there other ways to turn off the computer without using a mouse? I will share with you some ways to…
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