How to

What is WordPress Multisite? 6 Detailed Steps For Installation

What is WordPress Multisite? 6 Detailed Steps For Installation

Your business is growing and wants to expand more branches and want to build more branch websites. Are you looking to create more manageable websites on the same WordPress platform and database. WordPress Multisite will take care of this for you! So what is WP Multisite? How to use it? Let's find out with our tricks. What is WordPress Multisite in Details? WordPress Multisite , formerly known as WordPress Multi-User. This is a feature that allows you to network to run multiple websites from a single WordPress installation. WordPress 3.0 was the first product to offer this feature. With its…
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How to Clone a WordPress Site? Detailed Instruction with 5 Easy Steps

How to Clone a WordPress Site? Detailed Instruction with 5 Easy Steps

There are many reasons to clone a WordPress site. Maybe we want to test new plugins or themes. Or maybe move the site to a new server. In fact, cloning a WordPress site is extremely easy with Duplicator. This plugin allows you to combine WordPress uploads, themes, plugins, and most importantly, content. Here are the 5 most detailed steps to follow for how to clone a WordPress site, let's learn with our tricks. How to Clone a Wordpress Site? Easy Detailed Guide To Follow Step 1: Install Duplicator plugin on WP First, we need to install the Duplicator plugin. Go…
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How to Use Trust Wallet Securely? Top 5 Recommendations

How to Use Trust Wallet Securely? Top 5 Recommendations

Trust Wallet is a very popular multi-currency wallet today. However, many people still question whether it is safe to deposit their money here?Trust wallet is a very popular multi-currency wallet today. However, many people still question whether it is safe to deposit their money here? Through today's article, I hope readers will understand more about how to use trust wallet safely and why it is so trusted by many people.What is Trust Wallet?Trust wallet is a decentralized cryptocurrency wallet in the form of a mobile application or PC installation. Simply put, this is a place to store coins or virtual…
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How to Change DNS Windows 11? Tips to Speed Up Internet Access

How to Change DNS Windows 11? Tips to Speed Up Internet Access

To speed up internet access on Windows 11, you have many ways to do it, but the simplest and most popular way is still to change DNS. If you don't know how to do it, this article will help you the way for how to change DNS windows 11.Windows 11 contains dozens of useful settings related to connecting to the Internet, and you can take advantage of them to best serve your needs. When you know how to change DNS Windows 11, you will see unexpected changes.What is Windows 11 DNS?You are an end user, so you don't need to…
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How to Record Screen on Windows 11? 4 Easy Steps For Following

How to Record Screen on Windows 11? 4 Easy Steps For Following

How to Record Screen on Windows 11 Simply that Anyone can Do?Want a quick tutorial on how to use an app? Or simply share what's happening on the computer screen? Recording the computer screen will certainly be extremely useful in these cases. If you are using a Windows 11 computer, Xbox Game Bar is the tool that will help you optimize your work. Let's find out why it is the perfect choice for screen recording, especially creating video tutorials, and choose the screen recording app that suits you best!Xbox Game Bar: Screen Recording App Available On Windows 11 On Windows…
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How To Recover Your Lost or Damaged Hardware Wallet

How To Recover Your Lost or Damaged Hardware Wallet

If you store your NFTs in a cold storage hardware wallet. It means you are a long-term holder and know how to keep your NFTs secure. But what if your wallet is lost or damaged? So In this post, we will discuss the topic how to recover your lost or damaged hardware wallet. You can easily recover your NFTs and crypto if your hardware wallet is lost or stolen with your secret recovery phrase. The condition is you must have your secret recovery phrase. If you have lost your secret recovery phrase as well. There is no way to recover…
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How To Create a MetaMask Wallet? Step By Step Guide

How To Create a MetaMask Wallet? Step By Step Guide

MetaMask is one of the most famous Ethereum blockchain-based crypto wallets that is used for transactions on the Ethereum block. This wallet is mostly used by NFT enthusiasts to buy and sell NFTs. In this post, I will discuss how to create a metamask wallet to trade your NFTs.  First of all, we have to download metamask wallet. You can download it as a browser extension and a mobile app, you can download it as your preference.  How to create a MetaMask wallet? Step-by-step Guide: Open MetaMask website You will have multiple options for installation. For this tutorial, I’m…
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How To Set Royalties on Rarible? Step By Step Guide

How To Set Royalties on Rarible? Step By Step Guide

In this post, I will discuss how to set royalties on rarible. Rarible allows the artist to set royalty for even one NFT, unlike opensea. So you can set a royalty fee on a single NFT without creating a collection. Some NFT marketplaces do not allow artists to set royalty fees of more than 10%. But on rarible, there is no limit for royalty, you can set the percentage of your choice even 50%. If you have created an NFT collection on some other platform so you can get royalties on rarible by claiming ownership of the collection on rarible.…
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How To Set Royalties On OpenSea? A Step By Step Guide

How To Set Royalties On OpenSea? A Step By Step Guide

If you don’t know how to set royalties on OpenSea. Let me tell in this step-by-step guide. It is very simple and doesn’t require so many technicalities. OpenSea doesn’t allow you set royalties for you each of NFT but you can set royalties on the collection level. In opensea, creators can only set royalties from 0 to 10 percent of the NFT selling price. However, you can set any percentage for royalty fee if you submit your NFTs through a customized smart contract. How to set royalties on opensea - Step by step guide: Go to your opensea account. Hower…
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