Pointers in C#

Pointers in C#

Introduction: C# provides very limited support for pointers. C# pointers are nothing but variables containing memory location of another type. C# pointers can only contain the memory location of value types and arrays. Pointers in C# are not tracked by the default garbage collection mechanism. For the same reason, pointers can not point to a reference type or structure type that contains a reference type. C# Pointers can point to only basic data types like enum types, bool types, other pointers types, and structs that contain unmanaged data types, not reference types. Declairation of C# Pointers: The template of declaring…
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How to Improve ASP.NET Website Performance

How to Improve ASP.NET Website Performance

In online business ASP.NET website performance or web application performance matters a lot. If your ASP.NET website is not optimized so the audience will press the back button and open an alternative. If you have an ASP.NET Application and it's not optimized. The audience will sooner or later start complaining or find an alternative. Whenever we talk about user-friendly applications the optimization and performance are some of the key factors that we count first. When we develop an ASP.NET Application we should take care of what elements we are using and how can we optimize each component better. If we…
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What is Dependency Injection in C#

What is Dependency Injection in C#

In this article, we are going to briefly discuss the Dependency Injection in C#. Dependency Injection (DI) is mostly used in complex and real-time applications. But nowadays it's being normal to use Dependency Injection (DI) in every common application. As a developer, it is compulsory to know why we need Dependency Injection (DI) and what kind of results we can achieve by using it. Before we jump into “What is Dependency Injection (DI) in C#” we must know that why we need this in our design pattern. Why do we need Dependency Injection (DI) in C#? Dependency Injection (DI) is…
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Top 15 ASP.Net Core Interview Questions and Answers

Top 15 ASP.Net Core Interview Questions and Answers

Today we will discuss, the most asked and hot ASP.NET Core interview questions and answers, that you should know before any ASP.NET Core interview. Let's gets started, 1. What is ASP.NET Core? ASP. NET Core is a new version Of ASP.NET and it is open source. It is not an upgraded version Of ASP.NET it's completely rewritten. It is cross-platform, supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux, and can be used in devices, clouds, and scenarios. It can work with both .NET Core and .net framework via the .NET standard framework. It is best suitable for developing cloud-based such as web applications,…
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C# vs JAVA

C# vs JAVA

C# vs Java is always compared because both are object-oriented programming languages. Now let's have a look at C# and JAVA. What is C#? C# is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language. C# encapsulates static typing, strong typing, lexically scoped, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines. Anders Hejlsberg designed C# at Microsoft in 2000. It was approved later in 2002 and 2003. C# was introduced with .NET Framework and Visual Studio. The name "C sharp" was inspired by the musical notation whereby a sharp symbol indicates a semitone higher in pitch. But before we even start talking about languages…
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How to use AutoMapper in C#

How to use AutoMapper in C#

In this article, we are going to discuss, How to use AutoMapper in C#. We will learn the implementation of AutoMapper in C# with the help of examples. First thing first let's talk about what is automapper and why we use automapper. Why we need AutoMapper in C#? Mapping is performed when we want to copy or transfer one object to another object. Let's first see how we map normally two objects in C# applications. Here I have to classes "Student" and "StudentDTO". public class Student { public string FullName { get; set; } public string Address { get; set;…
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Should you learn C# and .NET 6 in 2022

Should you learn C# and .NET 6 in 2022

Today, we will talk about C# and .NET 6, and we believe it will be red hot in 2022. so if you see a lot about Microsoft, they are in the annual release cycles of .NET now. History of .NET: If you don't know much about .NET, let me give you a brief history lesson. Before, .NET had a version called 4.5, but under that, there were multiple frameworks. They did various things like building mobile apps, desktop apps, and web apps, and all these frameworks were kind of disparate and not well joined together. So Microsoft decided to do…
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Is C# hard to learn

Is C# hard to learn

Is C# hard to learn? So what's your favorite part about spider-man you haven't seen spider-man yet no that's a requirement to work here. Learning Curve fo C#: Today we're gonna answer the question that is C# hard to learn. All right this is one of the biggest questions that new developers have "Is C# hard to learn". I want to talk to you real quickly about why you're asking that question. let's just dispel it right away, all languages have the same kind of learning curve whether that's JavaScript, C#, Java, Python, PHP, or whatever. Because these are all…
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Is C# Dying?

Is C# Dying?

C# came out in 2002 so it's really not old if you look at Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Python all of which are much older languages don't mean that c-sharp isn't mature though. It just means that it's actually a young language in terms of the other ones out there that you think about. It's also a lot cooler than you probably think. Opportunities: So C# isn't dying because it is built and maintained by Microsoft. Microsoft has a large investment into making sure c-sharp is the predominant language used today. So they spent two billion dollars in marketing and…
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