
How to pass an Object as a query parameter in Get API request ASP.NET Core

How to pass an Object as a query parameter in Get API request ASP.NET Core

By reading this title some beginners and new to programming peeps will be amazed that how can we pass a JSON object as a query parameter in "Get" type API using ASP.NET Core. In this post, we will discuss and learn that how can we perform this task in our ASP.NET Core Web API project. It is very simple and easy. Tools: Visual Studio Community 2019 Windows OS Let's get started: We will perform this task in the ASP.NET Core Web API project. If you want to create ASP.NET Core N-tier Application you can set it up by following this…
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How to Use ReCaptcha V3 in ASP.NET Core MVC

How to Use ReCaptcha V3 in ASP.NET Core MVC

In this post, we are going to use Google reCaptcha V3 in ASP.NET Core MVC project. First thing first how a Google reCaptcha V3 works. In reCaptcha V3 user doesn't interact with any reCaptcha verification directly or solve any puzzle. In V3 we configure a Google API on the front-end that returns us a token and on the server-side. We call another google API that confirms the token. After confirming the token, Google Server-side API verifies the user's response/token responses to us with a success score that can be 0 to 0.1. If the score is near 0.1 it means…
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Set Up 3-tier architecture in Asp.Net Core Web API Application

Set Up 3-tier architecture in Asp.Net Core Web API Application

The project we are about to set up is a 3-tier architecture in Asp.Net Core Web API Application and using the .Net core 5 version. In this tutorial, we will create a main front-tier Asp.Net Core Web API project and create the other 3-tiers for Services, Model, Data. All these tiers and project is completely explained below. Tools that I’m using: Windows OS Visual Studio Community 2019 Project Set-Up: First of all, we will set up a web API project. Open Visual Studio and follow the below steps. Now name your project and select a location. Select Version of .Net…
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Email Confirmation with ASP.NET Core Identity

Email Confirmation with ASP.NET Core Identity

In this article, You will learn about Email Confirmation with ASP.NET Core Identity. How Identity Users can confirm their email after receiving a token into their email account from the ASP.NET Core Identity application. If you have not created your project yet you can create your ASP.NET Core 3-tier Web API Application by clicking on this link. Our ASP.NET Core App is the same that we have taught in our above-mentioned tutorial. In this approach, we will send an email to a user after signup and the user will receive the email on the email address that user used for…
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How To Turn On OpenSea Listing Alerts? Free Solution

How To Turn On OpenSea Listing Alerts? Free Solution

If you're an nft collector, you know that staying up-to-date on new listings is crucial to securing the best deals. Did you know that you can turn on opensea listing alerts for any collection? In this blog post, we'll show you how to turn on listing alerts so you never miss a chance to snatch up a new piece of nft art. How to turn on OpenSea listing alerts? There is not a specific way to turn on OpenSea listing alerts. So you have to add the specific listing or collection to your watchlist. To get notified of any changes…
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The Cheapest Way To Mint NFT: 100% Working Solution

The Cheapest Way To Mint NFT: 100% Working Solution

The current NFT market is still in its infancy, but platforms for producing, trading and promoting them have already begun to emerge. Users can now create NFTs on smartphones or PC. NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) is the ownership of digital products, including works of art. Transactions and related records are made through cryptocurrency platforms such as technology from Ethereum. You're thinking about cheapest way to mint NFT. But you're not sure where to start, or how much it's going to cost you. After all, isn't minting an NFT a complex and expensive process? Actually, it doesn't have to be! If you're…
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How to Implement JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Web API

How to Implement JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Web API

In this post, you will learn How to Implement JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Web API but before getting started let's take a look at What is JWT? JWT stands for "JSON Web Token". This specific token makes the data transfer more secure and adds an extra layer to our API security. JWT work as a promise between two parties. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a popular way to implement authentication and authorization in web applications, including ASP.NET Core Web API. JWT authentication works by creating a digitally signed token that contains information about the user and their permissions. This…
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How to import Excel file with ASP.NET Core

How to import Excel file with ASP.NET Core

In this post, we are going to discuss and learn how we can import Excel file with ASP.NET Core project and save the data into our database. It is very simple and easy to import Excel files in ASP.NET Core. First of all, if you have not created your project you can create your ASP.NET Core 3-tier Application following this. Tools: Visual Studio Community 2019 Windows 10 OS Let’s get started: Before starting our procedure we have to create a table into our database so that we can store our read data into that table. To create a table we…
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How to Import CSV file with ASP.NET Core

How to Import CSV file with ASP.NET Core

In this post, we will discuss and learn how we can import CSV file in ASP.NET Core project and save the data into our database. It is very simple and easy to import CSV files in ASP.NET Core. First of all, if you have not created your project, you can create your ASP.NET Core 3-tier Application following this. Tools: Visual Studio Community 2019 Windows 10 OS Let's get started: Before starting our procedure, we have to create a table in our database to store our data. To create a table, we are using the code-first approach. we will create a…
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