Email Confirmation with ASP.NET Core Identity

Email Confirmation with ASP.NET Core Identity

In this article, You will learn about Email Confirmation with ASP.NET Core Identity. How Identity Users can confirm their email after receiving a token into their email account from the ASP.NET Core Identity application. If you have not created your project yet you can create your ASP.NET Core 3-tier Web API Application by clicking on this link. Our ASP.NET Core App is the same that we have taught in our above-mentioned tutorial. In this approach, we will send an email to a user after signup and the user will receive the email on the email address that user used for…
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How to Implement JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Web API

How to Implement JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Web API

In this post, you will learn How to Implement JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Web API but before getting started let's take a look at What is JWT? JWT stands for "JSON Web Token". This specific token makes the data transfer more secure and adds an extra layer to our API security. JWT work as a promise between two parties. JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a popular way to implement authentication and authorization in web applications, including ASP.NET Core Web API. JWT authentication works by creating a digitally signed token that contains information about the user and their permissions. This…
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How to import Excel file with ASP.NET Core

How to import Excel file with ASP.NET Core

In this post, we are going to discuss and learn how we can import Excel file with ASP.NET Core project and save the data into our database. It is very simple and easy to import Excel files in ASP.NET Core. First of all, if you have not created your project you can create your ASP.NET Core 3-tier Application following this. Tools: Visual Studio Community 2019 Windows 10 OS Let’s get started: Before starting our procedure we have to create a table into our database so that we can store our read data into that table. To create a table we…
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How to Import CSV file with ASP.NET Core

How to Import CSV file with ASP.NET Core

In this post, we will discuss and learn how we can import CSV file in ASP.NET Core project and save the data into our database. It is very simple and easy to import CSV files in ASP.NET Core. First of all, if you have not created your project, you can create your ASP.NET Core 3-tier Application following this. Tools: Visual Studio Community 2019 Windows 10 OS Let's get started: Before starting our procedure, we have to create a table in our database to store our data. To create a table, we are using the code-first approach. we will create a…
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Reset Password in ASP.NET Core Identity with Email

Reset Password in ASP.NET Core Identity with Email

How to implement Reset Password in ASP.NET Core Identity with Email? If this is your question you opened up the right post. What is Reset Password? If a user forgets the password, the User will input email address of login credentials and clicks on forget password. If the user exists in the database with the provided email, system will send a Reset Password email to the user with a link and link contains the specific token to reset password. Reset/Forgot Password is the very basic and important feature/functionality of any website or portal. If it comes to ASP.NET Core Identity…
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Send Emails in ASP.NET Core 5 Using Gmail API

Send Emails in ASP.NET Core 5 Using Gmail API

We can send emails using Gmail API with a simple configuration in our ASP.NET Core web API Project. In this tutorial, you will learn and practice how to Send Emails in ASP.NET Core 5 Using Gmail API. If you have not created your ASP.NET Core Multi-tier web project please follow this link. Tools: Visual Studio Community 2019 Windows os Follow these simple steps to configure Gmail API to send emails: First of all, we have to create a project on To create your project open on the top bar click on the drop-down and click on create a…
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How to configure Identity ASP.NET core 3 tire application

How to configure Identity ASP.NET core 3 tire application

In this Asp.Net Core Multi-tier Project. You will Learn How to configure identity ASP.NET Core manually using the code-first approach in Entity Framework Core. We will create a database, and build Identity in MS SQL while running the migration. What is Identity ASP.NET Core? In Asp.Net, Core Identity is a set of libraries that provides simple authentication and authorization to web apps and web APIs. What is Entity Framework Core? Entity Framework Core is the latest object-relational Database mapper. I’m not going deep into what is object-relational. It simplifies the data manipulation into our Database using simple LINQ queries by…
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How to Boost Productivity as .NET Developer in Visual Studio

How to Boost Productivity as .NET Developer in Visual Studio

Welcome to Today we will discuss How to Boost Productivity as .NET Developer in Visual Studio 2022. Visula Studio is a Microsoft IDE that is used to develop many web, console and windows application. It is used in daily life of .NET developers so new .NET developer doesn't know the full features of Visual Studio that can increase the developer productivity dramatically. No one can denny that Visual studio is getting better in every release but without using its full power we can not increase the productivity as a .NET developers. I have listed some key features of Visual…
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How to Generate Random Numbers in C#

How to Generate Random Numbers in C#

In this article, we are going to learn How to Generate Random Numbers in C#. C# provides us a class to generate random numbers that is named "Random". In random class, we can use the predefined method "Next()" to generate random numbers and numbers within a self-defined range. Let's move forward to code to see how does this class works. To use Random class and access its methods we have to initialize first the "Random" class with the new Keyword and after initializing e can access its members by its constructor. var random = new Random(); int num = random.Next();…
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