How to Boost Productivity as .NET Developer in Visual Studio

Welcome to Today we will discuss How to Boost Productivity as .NET Developer in Visual Studio 2022. Visula Studio is a Microsoft IDE that is used to develop many web, console and windows application. It is used in daily life of .NET developers so new .NET developer doesn’t know the full features of Visual Studio that can increase the developer productivity dramatically. No one can denny that Visual studio is getting better in every release but without using its full power we can not increase the productivity as a .NET developers. I have listed some key features of Visual Studio that have helped me a lot in my career as a .NET developer.

We can change the Visual studio active windows by using mouse. But when we are coding we try to do everything from our keyboard thats how pro devs do. To increase coding speed and without leaving the keyboard we can navigate active windows with in the Visual Studtion by using “ctrl+tab” short key.

We can also navigate through the Visual Studio tabs by the same short key “CTRL+TAB” and using arrows from the keyboard. We can also acheive the same by using “CTRL+F6” to navigate tabs forward and “CTRL+SHIFT+F6” to navigate reverse.

Closing of Current tab:

We can close the current tab by “CTRL+F4” instead of using mouse and clicking on the “x“.

Class Elements Navigation:

If we have many methods in a class and want to navigate through them. It will take a lot of time find and switch from one method to another method. We can use the the top right drop down option to navigate throgh class member quickly.

Boost Productivity as .NET Developer in Visual Studio

Project Navigation:

This is one of my most favorite feature. We can navigate through our whole project no matter how complex or large it is. We can use “CTRL+T” to navigate through whole project. We can navigate methods and classes with using this GoTo All option.

Copy, Cut, and Paste:

So if you have have to copy a complete statement or line of code what would you do? You will probably click shift and arrow to select a line, and the copy short cut. We can simply copy, cut, and paste a complete line of code without select and just using the “ctrl+c”, “ctrl+x”, and “ctrl= v” to do these tasks imidiately.

Variable Renaming:

If you have declaired a variable and using it multiple or hundreds of time what would you do if you want to rename the variable would you do? rename the variable wherever it is used “NO”. We can rename a variable by going to the specific variable and pressing “CTRL+R+R”. This will give an option to rename variable and its references in a single time change.

Googling things is a common thing in every developer so switching between browser and IDE can be a lot of mess for new developers. Try to to do most of things with your keyboard specially when you are a newbe into coding. So we can navigate through different apps/windows by using “ALT+TAB” much faster and easier.


These are the things that no one discuss and teach to the new developers so here we have covered as much as we can with our experience. If you you can suggest more ways to do things more easier please comment below or you can contact us.

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