
How To Set Royalties on Rarible? Step By Step Guide

How To Set Royalties on Rarible? Step By Step Guide

In this post, I will discuss how to set royalties on rarible. Rarible allows the artist to set royalty for even one NFT, unlike opensea. So you can set a royalty fee on a single NFT without creating a collection. Some NFT marketplaces do not allow artists to set royalty fees of more than 10%. But on rarible, there is no limit for royalty, you can set the percentage of your choice even 50%. If you have created an NFT collection on some other platform so you can get royalties on rarible by claiming ownership of the collection on rarible.…
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How To Set Royalties On OpenSea? A Step By Step Guide

How To Set Royalties On OpenSea? A Step By Step Guide

If you don’t know how to set royalties on OpenSea. Let me tell in this step-by-step guide. It is very simple and doesn’t require so many technicalities. OpenSea doesn’t allow you set royalties for you each of NFT but you can set royalties on the collection level. In opensea, creators can only set royalties from 0 to 10 percent of the NFT selling price. However, you can set any percentage for royalty fee if you submit your NFTs through a customized smart contract. How to set royalties on opensea - Step by step guide: Go to your opensea account. Hower…
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What Are NFT Royalties & Why NFT Royalties Are So Important?

What Are NFT Royalties & Why NFT Royalties Are So Important?

NFT royalties are the percentage of reselling price of NFTs. NFT royalties could be a new term for you if you are new in the NFT space. But I have minted many NFTs and experienced these royalties methodologies. Let me tell you in the detail. What are NFT royalties? NFT royalties are the percentage of reselling price of NFTs that goes to the creator or author of NFT, each time when their NFT sell. When an NFT is sold to the buyer and the buyer resells that NFT art again on a secondary NFT marketplace, a fixed royalty percentage on…
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What Is OpenSea NFT Marketplace & How does it make money?

What Is OpenSea NFT Marketplace & How does it make money?

Opensea is the marketplace that is used to mint, sell, purchase, or exchange NFTs on different blockchain options. You might find NFTs pretty alien but it is not like that. In the previous five years, NFTs changes the way, we deal with digital arts like images, paintings, music, and videos. The NFTs were introduced in 2017 first by CryptoKitties named NFT project and NFTs changes the game in these 5 years completely. Now, these digital assets are bought and sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars if not millions. Last year some of the NFT projects created history in NFTs…
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What Is The Best Solana NFT Marketplace? Top 13 Platforms

What Is The Best Solana NFT Marketplace? Top 13 Platforms

What is the best solana NFT marketplace? This question can not be answered in a single line. There are many Solana NFT marketplaces each platform is different from the others in quality, user experience, trading volume, and audience. So I have listed below some top Solana NFT marketplaces with their pros, cons, and quality features. Solana NFT marketplaces are built on the Solana blockchain. Anybody can build a marketplace on the Solana blockchain. Solana NFT blockchain is not old as the Ethereum blockchain. Solana blockchain became very popular because of its low feeses and good features. So there are many…
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How Do NFT Marketplaces Make Money? Complete Detail

How Do NFT Marketplaces Make Money? Complete Detail

NFT Marketplaces make money by charging transaction fees on each NFT sale or purchase and this is the primary source of revenue for them. NFT marketplaces also make money in different ways that I will deeply discuss in this article. The worth of $46 billion NFTs has been transacted in just 2 years through NFT marketplaces. NFTs marketplaces are a very growing business and it's still expanding. If you are a collector or want to create your own NFT marketplace you might have the question that “How do NFT marketplaces make money”. Let’s deep dive into the revenue model of…
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12 Best NFT Marketplaces In August 2022

12 Best NFT Marketplaces In August 2022

I have listed below the 12 best NFT marketplaces that you can use for buying and selling digital assets. Many NFT marketplaces are targeting a specific type of niche in NFTs and are based on different blockchains. I’m using most of them for the previous several years. So you don’t have to worry about it you can choose according to your preference. I have sorted them for their popularity and trading volume. Popularity and trading volume mean how much NFT collectors trust them. Let's get started: Here are the 12 Best NFT Marketplaces: 1. OpenSea: OpenSea is on the top…
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What Are Generative Art NFTs? A Comprehensive Guide

What Are Generative Art NFTs? A Comprehensive Guide

Generative art NFTs are NFTs that are generated by machine algorithms with the assistance of a human artist. Like most popular projects you can see art blocks, and autoglyphs are generative art NFTs. To understand these NFTs let’s deep dive into this. What is Generative art? Generative art is the art that is made by a system algorithm with the help of artificial intelligence. The human artist just gives some commands and preferences. The machine autonomous system follows the instructions and uses neural networks (AI) to generate a unique piece of art.   Generative arts are the combination of human and…
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What Are NFT Discord Servers & How To Join? Full Guide

What Are NFT Discord Servers & How To Join? Full Guide

As you can understand by its name NFT discord servers. Discord is a social media platform. The “server” is just a term that is used in the NFT space. It is not a technical server, you can call it a group or community in simple words. NFT discord servers are different servers that are created by NFT projects and companies on the discord platforms to build their community. NFT discord servers are used by the communities to interact with other members.  So this is the basic introduction let's discuss this in more detail so you can understand what are NFT…
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