
Why NFT Projects Fail & How To Avoid Failed NFT Projects?

Why NFT Projects Fail & How To Avoid Failed NFT Projects?

In this post, we will try to discuss all important factors, why NFT projects fail, and how to avoid failed NFT projects as a collector. This is a dedicated guide for collectors, investors, and holders. I will give the reasons why NFT projects fail and solutions as well as how can you determine a failing or failed project. To determine failing or failed NFT projects, we should know what is the parameter of failing or failed NFT projects. Let's start What is failed NFT project?  Failed NFT project is a project that losses its floor price from launching by more…
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What is Alpha in NFT And How To Find Alpha Groups?

What is Alpha in NFT And How To Find Alpha Groups?

If you are new in the NFT space and looking for alpha information. Don’t worry, in this post, I will tell you what is alpha in NFT, what is alpha groups, and how can you find Alpha groups easily. Alpha in the NFT space is the exclusive/premium knowledge, that is unknown by most people in the NFT space. This knowledge is used to make better trading decisions in the NFT world.  Although there are different types of alpha information this can be for a specific NFT project or general for NFT projects. Let's discuss in detail alpha and alpha groups…
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What is 1 of 1 NFT And How To Find 1/1 NFT On Ethereum?

What is 1 of 1 NFT And How To Find 1/1 NFT On Ethereum?

Most people ask what is 1 of 1 NFT art or what is 1/1 NFT art?. So in this post, I will try to answer your all questions about 1 of 1 NFT art that what is 1 of 1 NFT Art? Why these 1 on 1 NFTs are so valuable, and how to find these 1 of 1 NFTs. If you are an NFTs collector this guide. You must know about 1 of 1 NFTs. To understand these all details let's first discuss what is 1 of 1 NFT art? What is 1 of 1 NFT art? 1 of…
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OpenSea Vs Rarible: Which One Is Better For You?

OpenSea Vs Rarible: Which One Is Better For You?

NFTs came and changed the world in no time, especially in 2021. We have seen everybody talking about NFTs. So when it comes to NFTs there are also marketplaces to buy and sell NFTs.  Two marketplaces have risen and are most popular in the space OpenSea and Rarible. There is always a debate on the internet between opensea vs rarible that which platform is better. In this post, we will discuss OpenSea vs Rarible and which platform is better for you to buy or sell NFTs. I will deep dive into the difference so cover all aspects that you should…
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How To Get Followers On Rarible? Formula Works 100%

How To Get Followers On Rarible? Formula Works 100%

In this post, we will discuss how to get followers on rarible. Rarible is the second most popular marketplace after opensea. When you are an artist and want to sell your NFTs, rarible followers matter a lot. Or if you are not an artist but still want to sell your NFTs, rarible followers also matter a lot. Having more followers is a plus. Because your collection will reach a big audience and a big audience means a high chance of selling your NFT at a good price. Let's back to the topic. Our topic was to get followers on rarible. …
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How To Refresh Metadata On OpenSea? 5 Easy Steps To Follow

How To Refresh Metadata On OpenSea? 5 Easy Steps To Follow

In this post, I will discuss how to refresh metadata on OpenSea. But what is the reason why anyone would refresh metadata opensea. I will also tell you the reasons why we refresh the metadata of NFTs on opensea. In case you don’t know what is NFT metadata. Let me give a short introduction to NFT and NFT metadata. What is NFT and NFT MetaData? NFT (non-fungible token) is one of the applications of blockchain. One of the biggest uses of blockchain core technology is the tokenization of individual assets as a unit of value in the blockchain environment. Assets…
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Are NFTs A Scam? Complete Explanation By Experts

Are NFTs A Scam? Complete Explanation By Experts

You are here because you have a question are NFTs a scam or they are legit. Let me start with an example, the Internet is a thing that has two sides negative and positive. You can use it for positive purposes like helping others and earning online for a living, You can also use it negatively like hacking, scamming, or for dark web illegal activities. So if I ask you internet is a bad thing or not? Definitely, it's not. Now let's talk about NFTs. What if I ask you if NFT is a scam thing or not? As I…
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What is WETH And How Does WETH Works? Full Guide

What is WETH And How Does WETH Works? Full Guide

In this post, we will discuss What is WEth, and how WETH works. We also discuss the advantages and disadvantages that come with them. As WETH name suggests it is essentially “wrapped” so that it can work on other than Ethereum blockchains. So 1 Wrapped Ethereum is equal to 1 ETH.  Firstly, we need to understand what ETH is and how it differs from the other tokens that are instantiated on the Ethereum blockchain. So ETH has been around since the very beginning of the Ethereum blockchain. You use it for example to pay gas fees when you deploy smart…
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What Is An NFT Smart Contract? Complete Guide

What Is An NFT Smart Contract? Complete Guide

We all have listened that NFTs (non-fungible tokens) are unique but what makes them unique? NFT Smart contracts. When we talk about NFTs, we always listen the word “smart contract”. So what is an NFT smart contract? Don’t worry it's not that hard to understand. As you can understand by its name it is just a contract that exists digitally so we call it a smart contract. If you don’t know what is a simple contract. A contract is an agreement between two parties buyer and seller containing some terms and conditions.  What is an NFT smart contract? NFT smart…
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