What is Whitelist NFT? 9 Simple Ways to Hunt Golden Tickets and Buy NFT at Good Price

The whitelist NFT is the equivalent of the golden ticket in the NFT market, giving you access to early and discounted NFT purchases. You already know how incredibly profitable NFT can be, and here’s how you can maximize it.

What is Whitelist NFT in Detail?

The whitelist NFT is a database of people who are guaranteed early access to the NFTs at a given date and time. If your name is on this list, you will be able to buy NFT at a predetermined good price. In every project, some early and possible backers go along with the project and these people deserve a better start than others. The whitelist NFT is simply a place reserved for a few people to buy NFT before the public sale.

whitelist nft

Your digital wallet address will be eligible to earn NFT before anyone else thanks to the NFT whitelist. Being added to the whitelist can be quite valuable. And the reason for this is that the NFT price depends on supply and demand. An NFT project can quickly sell out if it attracts a lot of interest from the community.

whitelist nft

Benefits of winning the whitelist NFT

There are many benefits you can get from whitelisting the NFT. Some of the benefits include:

  • Securing the right to mint and buy NFT
  • Get NFT for a good price or even for free
  • Stabilize transaction gas fees

How to join the whitelist NFT?

Join the project team on Discord

After finding an interesting project the next thing to do is join the Discord group.

The Discord group of the NFT project is where most of the project’s activities are gathered such as important news, free gifts, introduction to the founding team, project roadmap, and whitelisting instructions.

You have to follow some instructions in the Discord channel to prove that you are a human and not a robot.

Invite Everyone

By inviting others, you can also get the whitelist NFT. One criterion that many NFT project duejs use to whitelist users is to invite friends to join the Discord channel.

The NFT project always appreciates attracting more interested people. An interesting feature of the project is that each member has a different invitation code that can be shared with friends and on other Discord servers. You can invite individuals to join the NFT project you are trying to promote using this special code.

Complete the eligibility procedure

Each NFT project has a set of requirements to qualify for the NFT whitelist. Therefore, you must ensure that you meet their requirements. To get a whitelist spot, you must meet the eligibility criteria.

Once eligible to participate in the whitelist, you may be asked to provide your crypto wallet address to ensure that you can mint and buy NFTs. You must then choose an appropriate time to cast from the options you are given.

Stay Engaged

NFT projects often grant whitelist membership to people who add value to the project and who are genuinely interested in it. To get the attention of the founding team, you have to put in the effort. They are not given to everyone, so you must earn priority.

You must actively participate in discord conversations and contribute significantly to project-related discussions if you want to be noticed. This can be done by tweeting about the project, sharing the tweets, and discussing the project with other Twitter users. Also, promote the initiative across all your social media channels.

Sign up early

It’s important to find a good project early on before others do. It is equally important to start the project early.

This is because most NFT projects easily offer NFT whitelist positions to early backers. The key is to identify a viable project and become one of the first members of the discord channel.

Join the giveaway

On their social media accounts and in their Discord channels, the majority of NFT projects run a giveaway. They ask for likes and shares from followers. Like and share these messages can get you whitelisted. And you should participate as much as possible.

Take part in contests

Most NFT projects often run user contests, and winning the contest can secure a spot on the whitelist. Such contests are usually open to the public.

Again as much as possible is suggested to you.

Create a piece of art that shows support

To show your support for the project, you can get inspired by it and create fan art. That way, you promote the project for free and increase your chances of getting a golden ticket.

Keep NFTs from previous collections

Most NFT projects or NFT Blue chip collections act as a Launchpad. New projects collaborate with previously released or well-known NFT collections to increase popularity and user credibility. So when you already own NFT, that’s an advantage.

Getting a spot on the whitelist is a good money-making and profit-maximizing opportunity, but don’t forget that project research is especially important. Stay away from projects with a scam smell to reduce risk!

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