List of 131 Error Codes Linux – Explained!

In the vast realm of Linux, where countless commands and operations shape the digital landscape, error codes act as subtle messengers. They whisper tales of triumphs and challenges, providing crucial insights into the inner workings of the system. Whether you’re a seasoned Linux user or a curious newcomer, understanding these error codes is essential for unraveling the mysteries that lie beneath the surface.

Linux error codes serve as a silent language, conveying information about the outcome of operations, the status of resources, and the state of the system. They reflect the triumphs of successful operations, the frustrations of permission denials, and the challenges encountered during input/output processes. Behind each error code lies a story, waiting to be deciphered and resolved.

This article embarks on a journey to demystify Linux error codes, shedding light on their meanings and implications. We will delve into the realm of permissions, file systems, devices, and network connectivity, exploring the diverse scenarios where these error codes emerge. By unraveling the language of error codes, we aim to empower Linux users to tackle issues more effectively, troubleshoot with confidence, and make informed decisions in the face of adversity.

Throughout this exploration, we will not only decode the technical aspects but also provide a human touch. Understanding Linux error codes requires more than mere technical comprehension—it necessitates a connection to the challenges, frustrations, and triumphs experienced by users. By embracing a human perspective, we aim to make this journey accessible to readers of all backgrounds, fostering a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of the Linux operating system.

So, whether you’ve encountered an enigmatic error code during a routine task or are simply intrigued by the inner workings of Linux, join us as we unravel the secrets embedded within the error codes. Together, we will navigate through the realms of permissions, processes, file systems, network communications, and much more, ultimately emerging with a clearer understanding of the language spoken by Linux error codes.

Table of Contents

List of error codes in Linux

Error CodeDescription
EPERMOperation not permitted: The requested operation is not allowed for the current user or process.
EACCESPermission denied: The user does not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation.
ENOENTNo such file or directory: The specified file or directory does not exist.
ESRCHNo such process: The specified process does not exist.
EINTRInterrupted system call: The operation was interrupted by a signal.
EIOInput/output error: There was an error during input/output operations.
ENXIONo such device or address: The specified device or address does not exist.
E2BIGArgument list too long: The argument list for the operation exceeds the system-defined limit.
ENOEXECExec format error: The executable file format is not recognized.
EBADFBad file descriptor: The file descriptor provided is not valid.
ECHILDNo child processes: There are no child processes to wait for.
EAGAINResource temporarily unavailable: The requested resource is temporarily unavailable.
ENOMEMOut of memory: There is not enough memory available to perform the operation.
EFAULTBad address: The memory address provided is invalid or inaccessible.
ENOTBLKBlock device required: The specified file is not a block device.
EBUSYDevice or resource busy: The requested device or resource is currently in use.
EEXISTFile exists: The specified file or directory already exists.
EXDEVCross-device link: The operation involves linking across different devices.
ENODEVNo such device: The specified device does not exist.
ENOTDIRNot a directory: The specified path is not a directory.
EISDIRIs a directory: The operation expects a file but encounters a directory.
EINVALInvalid argument: The provided argument is not valid for the operation.
ENFILEFile table overflow: The maximum number of files that can be open simultaneously has been reached.
EMFILEToo many open files: The process has reached the maximum number of open files.
ENOTTYInappropriate ioctl for device: The ioctl operation is not supported by the specified device.
ETXTBSYText file busy: The requested file is currently being executed or modified.
EFBIGFile too large: The file size exceeds the system-defined limit.
ENOSPCNo space left on device: There is no more available space on the device.
ESPIPEIllegal seek: The file descriptor does not support the requested seek operation.
EROFSRead-only file system: The file system is mounted as read-only.
EMLINKToo many links: The maximum number of links to a file has been reached.
EPIPEBroken pipe: The reading end of a pipe has been closed.
EDOMNumerical argument out of domain: The mathematical function encountered an argument outside its valid range.
ERANGEResult too large: The result of a mathematical operation is too large to be represented.
EDEADLKResource deadlock would occur: A resource deadlock has been detected.
ENAMETOOLONGFile name too long: The specified file name exceeds the system-defined limit.
ENOLCKNo record locks available: There are no more available file record locks.
ENOSYSFunction not implemented: The requested function is not implemented on this platform.
ENOTEMPTYDirectory not empty: The directory is not empty and cannot be removed.
ELOOPToo many symbolic links encountered: The operation encountered too many symbolic links.
ENOMSGNo message of desired type: The requested message type does not exist in the message queue.
EIDRMIdentifier removed: The shared memory or message queue identifier has been removed.
ECHRNGChannel number out of range: The specified channel number is out of the valid range.
EL2NSYNCLevel 2 not synchronized: The level 2 cache on the system is not synchronized.
EL3HLTLevel 3 halted: The level 3 cache on the system has been halted.
EL3RSTLevel 3 reset: The level 3 cache on the system has been reset.
ELNRNGLink number out of range: The specified link number is out of the valid range.
EUNATCHProtocol driver not attached: The specified communication protocol driver is not attached.
ENOCSINo CSI structure available: The CSI (Control Status Indicator) structure is not available.
EL2HLTLevel 2 halted: The level 2 cache on the system has been halted.
EBADEInvalid exchange: An invalid exchange has been encountered.
EBADRInvalid request descriptor: The request descriptor is not valid.
EXFULLExchange full: The exchange is full and cannot accept more data.
ENOANONo anode: The specified device does not support the required operations.
EBADRQCInvalid request code: The request code is not valid for the specified device.
EBADSLTInvalid slot: The specified slot is not valid.
EBFONTBad font file format: The font file format is not recognized or supported.
ENOSTRDevice not a stream: The specified device is not a stream.
ENODATANo data available: There is no data available on the specified stream.
ETIMETimer expired: The timer associated with the operation has expired.
ENOSROut of streams resources: The system has reached the maximum limit of streams resources.
ENONETMachine is not on the network: The specified machine is not connected to the network.
ENOPKGPackage not installed: The required software package is not installed.
EREMOTEObject is remote: The object is located on a remote system.
ENOLINKLink has been severed: The link to the remote system has been severed.
EADVAdvertise error: There was an error in advertising the specified address.
ESRMNTSrmount error: There was an error in mounting the specified shared resource.
ECOMMCommunication error on send: There was a communication error while sending data.
EPROTOProtocol error: A protocol error has occurred.
EMULTIHOPMultihop attempted: A multihop operation was attempted.
EDOTDOTRFS specific error: An error specific to the Remote File Sharing (RFS) system has occurred.
EBADMSGNot a data message: The received message is not a valid data message.
EOVERFLOWValue too large to be stored in data type: The value to be stored exceeds the limit of the data type.
ENOTUNIQName not unique on network: The specified name is not unique on the network.
EBADFDFile descriptor in bad state: The file descriptor is in a bad state and cannot be used.
EREMCHGRemote address changed: The remote address has changed.
ELIBACCCan not access a needed shared library: The shared library required by the program cannot be accessed.
ELIBBADAccessing a corrupted shared library: The shared library being accessed is corrupted.
ELIBSCN.lib section in a.out corrupted: The .lib section in the a.out file is corrupted.
ELIBMAXAttempting to link in too many shared libraries: The program is attempting to link with too many shared libraries.
ELIBEXECCannot exec a shared library directly: A shared library cannot be executed directly.
EILSEQIllegal byte sequence: The input contains an illegal byte sequence.
ERESTARTInterrupted system call should be restarted: The interrupted system call should be restarted.
ESTRPIPEStreams pipe error: An error has occurred in the streams pipe.
EUSERSToo many users: The system has reached the maximum number of users.
ENOTSOCKSocket operation on non-socket: The operation is not valid for a non-socket file descriptor.
EDESTADDRREQDestination address required: The destination address is required for the operation.
EMSGSIZEMessage too long: The size of the message exceeds the system-defined limit.
EPROTOTYPEProtocol wrong type for socket: The protocol specified for the socket is not the correct type.
ENOPROTOOPTProtocol not available: The requested protocol is not available.
EPROTONOSUPPORTProtocol not supported: The requested protocol is not supported.
ESOCKTNOSUPPORTSocket type not supported: The requested socket type is not supported.
EOPNOTSUPPOperation not supported on socket: The requested operation is not supported on the socket.
EPFNOSUPPORTProtocol family not supported: The specified protocol family is not supported.
EAFNOSUPPORTAddress family not supported: The specified address family is not supported.
EADDRINUSEAddress already in use: The specified address is already in use.
EADDRNOTAVAILCannot assign requested address: The requested address cannot be assigned.
ENETDOWNNetwork is down: The network is down and cannot be reached.
ENETUNREACHNetwork is unreachable: The network destination is unreachable.
ENETRESETNetwork dropped connection because of reset: The network connection was reset.
ECONNABORTEDSoftware caused connection abort: The connection was aborted by software.
ECONNRESETConnection reset by peer: The connection was reset by the peer.
ENOBUFSNo buffer space available: There are no available buffer space or resources.
EISCONNTransport endpoint is already connected: The transport endpoint is already connected.
ENOTCONNTransport endpoint is not connected: The transport endpoint is not connected.
ESHUTDOWNCannot send after transport endpoint shutdown: The transport endpoint has been shut down and cannot send data.
ETOOMANYREFSToo many references: There are too many references to the resource.
ETIMEDOUTConnection timed out: The connection has timed out.
ECONNREFUSEDConnection refused: The connection request was refused by the remote host.
EHOSTDOWNHost is down: The remote host is down.
EHOSTUNREACHNo route to host: There is no route to the remote host.
EALREADYOperation already in progress: The operation is already in progress.
EINPROGRESSOperation now in progress: The operation is now in progress.
ESTALEStale file handle: The file handle is no longer valid.
EUCLEANStructure needs cleaning: The structure or object requires cleaning.
ENOTNAMNot a XENIX named type file: The file is not a XENIX named type file.
ENAVAILNo XENIX semaphores available: There are no available XENIX semaphores.
EISNAMIs a named type file: The file is a named type file.
EREMOTEIORemote I/O error: There was an error in remote I/O operation.
EDQUOTDisk quota exceeded: The disk quota limit has been exceeded.
ENOMEDIUMNo medium found: No medium (e.g., disk or tape) was found.
EMEDIUMTYPEWrong medium type: The medium detected is of the wrong type.
ECANCELEDOperation canceled: The operation was canceled.
ENOKEYRequired key not available: The required encryption key is not available.
EKEYEXPIREDKey has expired: The encryption key has expired.
EKEYREVOKEDKey has been revoked: The encryption key has been revoked.
EKEYREJECTEDKey was rejected by the service: The encryption key was rejected by the service.
EOWNERDEADOwner died: The owner of a resource died and the resource is left in an inconsistent state.
ENOTRECOVERABLEState not recoverable: The state is not recoverable.

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