List of 100+ Rust Error Messages – Explained!

Have you ever found yourself grappling with mysterious error messages while coding in Rust? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Rust, known for its strong static typing and emphasis on memory safety, is a powerful language that enforces strict rules to catch potential bugs at compile-time. While this approach brings numerous benefits, it also means encountering error messages that can initially seem overwhelming and cryptic.

In this article, we aim to unravel the secrets behind Rust error messages and provide you with a clear understanding of what they mean and how to resolve them. We’ll explore a wide range of error messages that you may encounter during your Rust coding journey. By shedding light on these messages, we hope to empower you with the knowledge and tools to overcome any obstacles you may face while developing Rust applications.

Throughout this guide, we’ll adopt a human-friendly approach, presenting the error messages in plain language and providing intuitive explanations. Our goal is to bridge the gap between the technical jargon and your understanding, making the process of deciphering and addressing Rust error messages less daunting and more approachable.

We’ll cover a multitude of error scenarios, from type mismatches and lifetime errors to unresolved references and module conflicts. Each error message will be accompanied by a comprehensive explanation, discussing its possible causes and offering practical solutions to resolve the issue effectively. By gaining a deeper understanding of these error messages, you’ll be better equipped to write efficient and error-free Rust code.

Remember, error messages are not roadblocks but valuable insights into potential mistakes or misunderstandings. Embracing them as learning opportunities will not only enhance your Rust programming skills but also cultivate a mindset of continuous improvement.

So, whether you’re a beginner stepping into the world of Rust or an experienced developer seeking to sharpen your skills, join us as we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries behind Rust error messages. By the end of this guide, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to tackle any error message that comes your way, turning them into stepping stones towards code mastery.

Let’s dive in and decode the world of Rust error messages together!

Table of Contents

List of Rust Error messages

Error MessageExplanation
error: expected ;, found }“Oops! It seems you forgot to put a semicolon at the end of a statement. Double-check your code and add the missing semicolon to fix this error.
error: mismatched typesRust couldn’t match the types you provided. Make sure the types align correctly, considering variables, function parameters, and return types.
error: cannot find valueRust couldn’t locate the value you referenced. Verify that the value exists and that you’ve correctly imported any required modules or libraries.
error: use of moved valueYou attempted to use a value that has already been moved or borrowed. Ensure you’re not reusing variables or references that have been consumed.
error: lifetime mismatchRust detected a mismatch between lifetimes. Review the lifetimes of your references and ensure they are valid and properly aligned throughout the code.
error: recursive type has infinite sizeYour type definition creates an infinite-sized type. Try making your type recursive in a way that ensures it has a fixed size.
error: index out of boundsYou tried to access an element outside the valid range of an array or slice. Ensure you’re indexing correctly to avoid accessing invalid positions.
error: expected identifierRust expected an identifier, like a variable or function name, but didn’t find one. Double-check your code for any missing or misspelled identifiers.
error: trait not implementedThe trait you’re using requires certain methods to be implemented, but they are missing in your code. Implement the missing methods to resolve the error.
error: overflow computing constantThe constant you’re trying to compute exceeds the maximum value that can be represented. Adjust the constant value or use a larger data type if needed.
error: missing lifetime specifierA reference is missing a lifetime specifier. Provide the necessary lifetime annotations to clarify how long the reference should be valid.
error: unreachable patternThe pattern you used in a match expression is unreachable. Check your match arms and ensure that all possible patterns are covered or add a wildcard (_).
error: method not foundThe method you’re trying to call doesn’t exist for the given type. Review the documentation or check for any typos in the method name.
error: unresolved importRust couldn’t find the module or item you’re trying to import. Verify that the module is correctly defined and accessible from your current location.
error: unexpected end of fileThe file ended abruptly when more code was expected. Make sure all your code blocks are properly closed and that there are no missing or extra braces.
error: cannot assign twice to immutable variableYou’re attempting to assign a new value to an immutable variable. Either make the variable mutable or assign the value only once.
error: mismatched types between armsThe different branches of your match expression have mismatched types. Ensure that each branch returns a value of the same type or use a common type.
error: type annotations neededRust couldn’t infer the type for a variable or expression. Provide explicit type annotations to resolve this error and make the code more clear.
error: unresolved nameThe name you referenced is not defined in the current scope. Check for any typos, missing imports, or ensure the item is declared and accessible.
error: value moved hereA value has been moved, and you’re attempting to use it again. Consider using references or cloning the value to retain access in the desired context.
error: cannot borrow as mutableYou’re trying to borrow a variable as mutable, but it’s currently borrowed as immutable. Release the immutable borrow before requesting a mutable one.
error: expected struct, variant, or union typeRust expected a struct, enum variant, or union type but found something else. Double-check your code to ensure you’re using the correct syntax.
error: unresolved referenceRust couldn’t find the reference you’re using. Ensure the reference is defined and accessible within the scope you’re using it.
error: cannot move out of borrowed contentYou’re trying to move a value out of borrowed content, which is not allowed. Consider using references or cloning the value if you need to keep it.
error: missing field in initializerYou forgot to include a field when initializing a struct. Verify that you’ve provided all the required fields or consider using default values for them.
error: expected function, found macroRust expected a function but found a macro instead. Review your code to ensure that you’re using the appropriate syntax for functions and macros.
error: multiple patterns in match“You provided multiple patterns that match the same value in a match expression. Refactor your code to avoid overlapping patterns or consider using if statements.
error: mismatched types for traitThe types used in a trait implementation don’t match the expected types. Make sure the types align correctly and match the trait’s requirements.
error: missing lifetimeA lifetime parameter is missing in your function or struct definition. Add the necessary lifetime annotations to ensure correctness and validity.
error: the trait X is not implemented for this typeThe trait you’re trying to use is not implemented for the given type. Implement the required methods or consider using a different type that supports it.
error: unresolved enum variant, struct or constThe enum variant, struct, or constant you’re referencing is not defined or cannot be found. Check for any typos or ensure the item is correctly defined.
error: mismatched types for assignmentThe types on the left and right sides of an assignment operation don’t match. Ensure that both sides have compatible types or use type conversions if needed.
error: cannot find derive macroRust couldn’t locate the derive macro you’re using. Verify that you’ve imported the required crate or ensure the macro is correctly defined and accessible.
error: expected type parameterRust expected a type parameter, but it was not provided. Supply the required type parameter to resolve this error and ensure the code is generic enough.
error: duplicate itemYou’ve defined the same item multiple times. Check for any accidental duplication and remove the redundant definitions to fix this error.
error: mismatched types for argumentThe types of the arguments provided to a function call don’t match the expected types. Verify the argument types and ensure they align with the function’s signature.
error: unresolved closure variableA variable used within a closure is not defined or accessible within its scope. Make sure the closure has access to the required variables and they are in scope.
error: invalid type for struct fieldThe type used for a struct field is invalid or not allowed. Review the struct field’s type and ensure it complies with Rust’s type system and language rules.
error: expected (, found ;“Rust expected an opening parenthesis but found a semicolon instead. Check for any misplaced semicolons or ensure the correct syntax is used in the code.
error: borrowed value does not live long enoughThe borrowed value doesn’t have a long enough lifetime to satisfy the borrow checker. Ensure the value lives long enough or adjust the lifetimes accordingly.
error: method not in traitThe method you’re trying to call is not defined in the trait. Verify the trait’s definition and the methods available to resolve this error.
error: use of undeclared crate or moduleThe crate or module you’re using is not declared or imported in your code. Ensure the crate or module is properly defined and accessible within your project.
error: conflicting implementations for traitYou’ve implemented the same trait for a type multiple times, causing a conflict. Remove any duplicate trait implementations to resolve this error.
error: unresolved associated typeAn associated type used in a trait implementation is not defined or cannot be found. Check for any typos or ensure the associated type is correctly defined.
error: cannot infer typeRust couldn’t infer the type for a variable or expression. Provide explicit type annotations to resolve this error and make the code more clear.
error: failed to resolve: could not findRust failed to resolve the path or name you provided. Verify the spelling, check for any missing imports, or ensure the item is correctly defined.
error: unexpected tokenAn unexpected token was encountered in the code. Double-check the syntax and ensure all tokens are used correctly and in the appropriate context.
error: use of moved value: x“The value x has already been moved, and you’re trying to use it again. Consider using references or cloning the value to retain access in the desired context.
error: use of undeclared type or moduleThe type or module you’re using is not declared or imported in your code. Make sure the type or module is correctly defined and accessible.
error: this associated function takes no type argumentsYou provided type arguments for an associated function that doesn’t expect them. Remove the type arguments to resolve this error and align with the function’s definition.
error: mismatched types for argument, expected type X“The type of the argument provided to a function call doesn’t match the expected type X. Verify the argument’s type and ensure it aligns with the function’s signature.
error: missing main functionThe entry point of your program, the main function, is missing. Add the main function to your code to make it executable and start the program execution.
error: re-assignment of immutable variableYou’re trying to reassign a value to an immutable variable. Either make the variable mutable or assign the value only once during its lifetime.
error: expected one of (or::, found X“Rust expected an opening parenthesis or double colon, but it found something else. Check for any syntax errors and ensure the code aligns with Rust’s expectations.
error: wrong number of type argumentsYou provided an incorrect number of type arguments for a type or function. Review the required number of type arguments and ensure you’ve supplied the correct count.
error: the name X is defined multiple timesThe name X is defined in multiple places, causing a conflict. Rename or remove the duplicate definitions to resolve this error and avoid naming collisions.
error: expected expression, found statementRust expected an expression but found a statement instead. Review your code and ensure that expressions are used appropriately in the desired context.
error: unresolved method or functionThe method or function you’re trying to use is not defined or accessible. Verify the method or function’s definition, check for any typos, and ensure it’s correctly imported or within scope.
error: mismatched types, expected X, found Y“The expected type X does not match the found type Y. Review the types involved and ensure they align correctly to resolve this type mismatch.
error: unresolved import X“The import X could not be resolved. Verify that the import statement is correct, the module or crate is available, and any required dependencies are met.
error: use of undeclared type name X“The type name X is not declared or in scope. Ensure that the type is correctly defined, imported, or consider adding a missing import statement if needed.
error: found &mutin a&-only contextYou used &mut in a context that only allows shared references (&). Remove the mut keyword or change the context to accept mutable references.
error: mismatched types between if armsThe types in the different branches of an if statement do not match. Ensure that both branches return values of the same type or use a common type.
error: duplicate field name X“You defined a duplicate field name X in a struct. Each field in a struct must have a unique name. Rename the field to resolve this error.
error: unresolved external crate X“The external crate X could not be resolved. Check that the crate is correctly specified in your dependencies or ensure it is available in your project.
error: expected lifetime parameterA lifetime parameter is expected but not provided. Include the necessary lifetime parameter in the appropriate location to satisfy the requirements.
error: no method named Xfound for typeY“The method X is not defined for the type Y. Double-check the method name and verify that it is implemented for the specific type or trait.
error: cannot find macro X in this scopeThe macro X could not be found in the current scope. Ensure that the macro is defined or imported correctly and accessible from the current location.
error: variable X is not mutableThe variable X is not marked as mutable but is being modified. Change the variable declaration to include the mut keyword to make it mutable.
error: elsewithout a previousif“The else keyword was used without a preceding if statement. Make sure to include an if statement before using the else clause.
error: type Xdoes not implement traitY“The type X does not implement the required methods or properties of trait Y. Implement the missing trait methods for the type to resolve this error.
error: unknown start of tokenThe code encountered an unexpected token. Check for any syntax errors or misplaced characters that might have caused this error.
error: missing lifetime boundA lifetime bound is missing in a type declaration. Add the necessary lifetime bound to satisfy the requirements and ensure correctness.
error: could not compile X“The compilation of module or crate X failed. Review the error details and consult the relevant documentation to troubleshoot and fix the compilation issue.
error: no field Xon typeY“The field X does not exist on the type Y. Verify the field name and ensure it is accessible within the given type.
error: invalid main function signatureThe main function signature is incorrect. Ensure that the main function has the correct return type and parameter list as required by Rust’s conventions.
error: recursion limit reachedThe code encountered a recursion limit set by the Rust compiler. Simplify or optimize your code to avoid exceeding the recursion limit.
error: unresolved name X“The name X is unresolved in the current scope. Check for any typos, missing imports, or ensure the item is correctly defined and accessible.
error: missing lifetime in function return typeThe return type of a function is missing a required lifetime specifier. Add the necessary lifetime annotation to the return type to satisfy the compiler.
error: associated item Xnot found for typeY“The associated item X is not defined for the type Y. Double-check the item name and verify that it is associated with the specific type or trait.
error: invalid type argument for trait X“The type argument provided for trait X is invalid. Review the requirements of the trait and ensure that the correct type is used as the argument.
error: function X is privateThe function X is marked as private and cannot be accessed from outside its module. Consider changing the visibility to pub or accessing it from the module.
error: unresolved type X“The type X is unresolved in the current context. Verify the type name, ensure it is imported correctly, or define it in the current module or crate.
error: mismatched types, expected unit type ()“The expected type is the unit type () (also known as “empty tuple”), but a different type was found. Ensure that the expression or value aligns with the expected unit type.
error: unresolved name Xinselforsuper“The name X is unresolved in the self or super scope. Verify the name’s spelling, ensure it is accessible from the current module, and check for any missing imports.
error: expected value, found module X“Rust expected a value but found a module. Double-check the code and ensure you’re using the correct syntax and accessing the desired value instead of a module.
error: wrong number of function argumentsThe function call provided an incorrect number of arguments. Verify the number of arguments required by the function and ensure they match in the function call.
error: private field Xof structY“The field X of the struct Y is marked as private and cannot be accessed outside its module. Consider changing the field’s visibility or accessing it from the module.
error: missing documentation for X“The item X is missing documentation. Add the necessary documentation comments to describe the purpose, usage, and behavior of the item for improved code clarity.
error: unresolved module X“The module X is unresolved or could not be found. Verify the module name, ensure it is correctly defined, and check for any missing or incorrect imports.
error: expected function, found struct X“Rust expected a function but found a struct X instead. Review your code and ensure you’re using the appropriate syntax for functions and struct definitions.
error: incompatible implementations for trait X“There are multiple incompatible implementations of trait X for the same type or types. Remove or adjust the conflicting implementations to resolve this error.
error: unresolved associated constant X“The associated constant X is unresolved or could not be found. Check for any typos, ensure the constant is correctly defined, and verify the associated type or trait.
error: cannot assign twice to immutable field X of immutable bindingYou’re attempting to assign a value to an immutable field X of an immutable binding. Either make the field or the binding mutable to enable assignment.
error: non-exhaustive patterns: X not coveredThe pattern X is not covered in a match expression. Make sure to handle all possible patterns or include a wildcard pattern (_) to handle the remaining cases.
error: expected type X, found type Y“The expected type is X, but the found type is Y. Review the types involved and ensure they align correctly to resolve this type mismatch error.
error: failed to resolve: could not find XinY“Rust failed to resolve the name X within Y. Verify the name, check for any typos, ensure the correct imports are in place, or consider reorganizing your code.
error: expected value, found macro X“Rust expected a value but found a macro X instead. Double-check the code and ensure you’re using the correct syntax and invoking the desired value, not a macro.
error: unresolved lifetime parameter X“The lifetime parameter X is unresolved in the current context. Check the lifetime parameter’s spelling, scope, and ensure it is correctly defined and accessible.
error: mismatched types for struct field X“The expected type of the struct field X does not match the provided type. Review the field’s type declaration and ensure it aligns with the intended usage.
error: use of undeclared label X“The label X is undeclared or not in scope. Ensure that the label is correctly defined and used within the appropriate context, such as loops or control flow blocks.
error: ambiguous associated type X“The associated type X is ambiguous and has multiple possible interpretations. Add type annotations or disambiguate the associated type to resolve this error.
error: expected expression, found statement X“Rust expected an expression but found a statement X instead. Check the code and ensure that expressions are used where an expression is expected, not a statement.
error: cannot assign to immutable borrowed contentYou’re trying to assign a value to an immutable borrowed content, which is not allowed. Ensure that you have a mutable reference to modify the content as needed.
error: could not evaluate to a constantRust was unable to evaluate an expression to a constant value. Ensure that the expression is valid and can be evaluated at compile time to a constant value.
error: expected identifier, found keyword X“Rust expected an identifier but found the keyword X instead. Check the code and ensure that you’re using valid identifiers and not conflicting with keywords.
error: redeclaration of module X“The module X is declared multiple times. Check for any accidental duplications or conflicting module definitions and remove the redundant declarations.
error: non-exhaustive patternsThe patterns in a match expression are non-exhaustive, meaning some cases are not covered. Make sure to handle all possible patterns or add a wildcard pattern (_).
error: expected ], found }“Rust expected a closing square bracket (]) but found a closing brace (}). Check for any misplaced or missing brackets and ensure the correct syntax is used.
error: could not find defining usesThe item or definition could not be found within the codebase. Check for any typos, ensure the item is correctly defined, and verify the scope or visibility of the item.
error: unresolved reference to enum variant Xof typeY“The enum variant X of type Y is unresolved or could not be found. Check for any typos, ensure the correct enum and variant names are used, and verify the enum’s visibility.
error: lifetime mismatch in function argumentsThere is a lifetime mismatch in the function arguments. Verify the lifetimes of the arguments and ensure they align correctly to resolve this lifetime mismatch error.
error: failed to resolve: could not find XinY(asZ`)“Rust failed to resolve the name X in the context of Y with the alias Z. Verify the name, check for any typos, ensure the correct imports or aliases are in place, or reorganize your code if necessary.
error: non-exhaustive patterns: type X not coveredThe type X is not covered in a match expression. Make sure to handle all possible cases for this type or include a wildcard pattern (_) to handle the remaining cases.
error: mismatched types for tuple field X“The expected type of the tuple field X does not match the provided type. Review the field’s type declaration and ensure it aligns with the intended usage.
error: unresolved import: no XinY“The import statement is unresolved because there is no X item in Y. Verify the import statement, check for any typos, ensure the correct item and module names are used.
error: lifetime ‘static requiredA 'static lifetime is required but not provided. Adjust the lifetimes in your code to ensure that the required 'static lifetime is present where needed.
error: unresolved function XinY“The function X is unresolved in the context of Y. Check for any typos, ensure the correct function name and module path are used, and verify the visibility of the function.
error: mismatched types for method argumentThe types of the method arguments provided do not match the expected types. Verify the argument types and ensure they align with the method’s signature.
error: cannot return value referencing local dataYou’re trying to return a value that references local data. Adjust your code to ensure the returned value does not reference data that goes out of scope.
error: unresolved trait associated item X“The trait associated item X is unresolved or could not be found. Check for any typos, ensure the correct associated item name is used, and verify the trait’s definition.
error: expected type parameter, found concrete type X“Rust expected a type parameter but found a concrete type X instead. Ensure that you’re using a type parameter where appropriate or adjust the code to use the correct type.
error: unresolved lifetime name X“The lifetime name X is unresolved in the current context. Verify the lifetime name, check for any typos, and ensure it aligns with the lifetimes used in the code.
error: unresolved name X in macro scopeThe name X is unresolved within the macro scope. Check for any typos, ensure the correct name is used, and verify that the name is accessible within the macro.
error: multiple applicable items in scopeThere are multiple items with the same name in scope, causing ambiguity. Resolve the ambiguity by specifying the desired item explicitly or by renaming conflicting items.
error: missing lifetime parameter XinY“The lifetime parameter X is missing in the definition of Y. Add the required lifetime parameter to the definition of Y to resolve this error.
error: ambiguous name X“The name X is ambiguous and has multiple possible interpretations. Disambiguate the name by specifying the desired item or renaming conflicting items.
error: unresolved import: there is no XinY“The import statement is unresolved because there is no X item in Y. Verify the import statement, check for any typos, ensure the correct item and module names are used.
error: invalid attribute X“The attribute X is invalid or not recognized. Check the attribute spelling, ensure it is correctly used, and consult the documentation for the correct attribute syntax.
error: missing lifetime in function argumentA lifetime is missing in a function argument. Add the necessary lifetime annotation to the argument to satisfy the compiler’s requirements and ensure correctness.
error: unresolved trait bound Xfor typeY“The trait bound X is unresolved for the type Y. Ensure that the trait is in scope, the type implements the required traits, or provide necessary trait implementations.
error: associated constant Xnot found for typeY“The associated constant X is not defined for the type Y. Double-check the constant name, verify that it is associated with the specific type or trait, and ensure correct usage.
error: failed to resolve: could not find XinY“`Rust failed to resolve the name X within Y. Verify the name, check for any typos, ensure the correct imports or path to the item, and reorganize your code if necessary.
error: unresolved name X in patternThe name X is unresolved in the pattern. Verify the pattern, check for any typos, ensure the correct name is used, and make sure the name is accessible in the pattern’s scope.
error: missing return statementA function is missing a return statement, which is required for functions that have a non-void return type. Add the appropriate return statement to the function.
error: unresolved function, tuple variant or struct X“The function, tuple variant, or struct X is unresolved. Check for any typos, ensure the correct name is used, verify that the item is in scope or correctly imported, and adjust your code accordingly.
error: missing trait X in bindingsThe trait X is missing in the bindings. Ensure that the required trait is implemented or included in the bindings to resolve this error.
error: unresolved trait X“The trait X is unresolved or could not be found. Verify the trait name, ensure it is correctly defined or imported, and check for any missing or incorrect references.
error: unresolved import: self is not in the module treeThe import statement uses self, but it’s not available in the module tree. Check the module structure and verify that self is correctly used and accessible.
error: unresolved name Xinsuper“The name X is unresolved in the super scope. Verify the name, check for any typos, ensure the correct name is used, and make sure the name is accessible in the super scope.
error: unresolved import Xinsuper“The import X is unresolved in the super scope. Verify the import statement, check for any typos, ensure the correct import path is used, and verify the visibility of the imported item.
error: missing field X in patternThe pattern is missing the field X. Ensure that the field name is spelled correctly and included in the pattern to match the structure of the corresponding data type.
error: expected ,, found X“Rust expected a comma (,) but found something else (X). Check for any missing or misplaced commas and ensure the correct syntax is used in the code.
error: function Xis private, defined in moduleY“The function X is private and can only be accessed within the module Y. Consider changing the function’s visibility or accessing it from within the module Y.
error: duplicate definition of value X“The value X is defined multiple times. Check for any accidental duplications and remove the redundant definitions to resolve this error.
error: missing lifetime bound for type X“A lifetime bound is missing for the type X. Add the required lifetime bound to ensure correctness and align with the expected usage of the type.
error: unresolved associated constant Xfor typeY“The associated constant X is unresolved or could not be found for the type Y. Check for any typos, ensure the correct associated constant name is used, and verify that it is defined for the specific type or trait.
error: the size for values of type X cannot be known at compilation timeThe size for values of type X cannot be determined at compile time. Ensure that the type’s size is known or use dynamic memory allocation to handle variable-sized types.
error: breakwith value from atry block is not supportedUsing break with a value from a try block is not supported. Consider using Ok and Err variants to propagate and handle errors within the try block.
error: explicit lifetime required in the type of X“An explicit lifetime is required in the type of X. Provide the necessary lifetime annotations to clarify how long the reference should be valid.
error: the following variants are undefined: XY...The enum variants XY, and so on are not defined. Ensure that all enum variants are properly defined to avoid undefined behavior when using the enum.
error: unresolved import Xfor pathY“The import X for the path Y is unresolved. Verify the import statement, check for any typos, ensure the correct import path is used, and verify the visibility of the imported item.
error: missing documentation for field Xof structY“The field X of the struct Y is missing documentation. Add the necessary documentation comments to describe the purpose and usage of the field for improved code clarity.
error: elseclause condition cannot refer to shadowed variables inif letandwhile letstatementsThe condition in the else clause of an if let or while letstatement cannot refer to variables shadowed in the if let or while let pattern. Avoid shadowing the variables or refactor your code.
error: cannot move out of a shared referenceYou’re trying to move a value out of a shared reference, which is not allowed. Consider using references or cloning the value if you need to keep it without moving.
error: expected expression, found type X“Rust expected an expression but found a type X instead. Check the code and ensure that you’re using expressions in the appropriate context, not types.
error: function Xis not a member of traitY“The function X is not a member of the trait Y. Verify the function name and trait implementation, ensuring that the function is defined for the specific trait.
error: no implementation for X“There is no implementation for the trait X. Verify that the trait is implemented for the corresponding type or provide a valid implementation to resolve this error.
error: duplicate method in trait implementationThere is a duplicate method in a trait implementation, which is not allowed. Remove or rename the duplicate method to resolve this error and ensure uniqueness within the trait implementation.
error: duplicate label X“The label X is defined multiple times. Check for any accidental duplications and remove or rename the redundant labels to resolve this error.
error: conflicting definitions of X“There are conflicting definitions of X within the codebase. Check for any accidental duplications and remove or rename the redundant definitions to resolve this error.
error: unused label X“The label X is defined but not used within the code. Remove the unused label to resolve this error and improve code readability.
error: expected tuple struct/variant, found unit struct/variantRust expected a tuple struct or variant but found a unit struct or variant instead. Check the definition and usage of the struct or variant to ensure it matches the expected type.

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