List of 50 Error Codes in Golang – Explained!

Error handling is a critical aspect of software development, and effective management of errors is key to building robust and reliable applications. When programming in Golang, encountering error codes is a common occurrence that can leave developers scratching their heads. However, fear not! In this article, we embark on a journey to demystify the world of error codes in Golang.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the realm of error codes, unraveling their significance and providing valuable insights on how to interpret and handle them. Whether you’re a seasoned Go developer or just starting your journey with the language, this article aims to equip you with a solid understanding of error codes and their implications in Golang.

Rather than overwhelming you with a lengthy list of specific error codes, we focus on exploring the underlying principles and concepts that govern error handling in Golang. By understanding the fundamental mechanisms behind error codes, you will be better equipped to handle errors effectively and design more resilient software.

Throughout this article, we emphasize clarity and approachability, ensuring that our explanations are accessible to developers of all skill levels. We aim to strike a balance between technical accuracy and a human touch, providing explanations that are not only informative but also engaging and relatable.

So, join us on this enlightening journey as we demystify error codes in Golang. By the end, you will have gained a solid foundation in error handling techniques and the confidence to tackle any error that comes your way. Let’s dive in and explore the fascinating world of error codes in Golang together!

List of error codes in Golang

Error CodeExplanation
1io.EOF – Indicates the end of a file or stream has been reached.
2os.ErrPermission – Denotes a permission-related error, such as insufficient access rights.
3os.ErrNotExist – Indicates that a file or directory does not exist.
4strconv.ErrSyntax – Signifies an error parsing a string representation of a value.
5http.ErrNotSupported – Indicates that a feature or operation is not supported by the HTTP server or client.
6net.ErrClosed – Denotes that a network connection has been closed.
7database/sql.ErrNoRows – Indicates that a database query did not return any rows.
8encoding/json.ErrInvalidUnmarshal – Signifies an error during the unmarshaling process of JSON data.
9errors.New("custom error message") – Represents a custom error with a user-defined error message.
10time.ErrLocation – Indicates an error related to time zone location handling.
11http.ErrHandlerTimeout – Denotes that a handler took too long to process a request.
12bufio.ErrBufferFull – Signifies that a buffer is full and cannot accept more data.
13archive/tar.ErrHeader – Indicates an error with a tar archive header.
14path.ErrBadPattern – Denotes an error with a path pattern used in matching operations.
15context.DeadlineExceeded – Represents a context deadline exceeded error.
16os.ErrInvalid – Signifies an invalid argument or operation related to the operating system.
17sync.ErrMutexWakeup – Indicates an error with a mutex wakeup operation.
18net/http.ErrWriteAfterFlush – Denotes an attempt to write data after a flush operation in HTTP.
19crypto.ErrUnexpectedEOF – Signifies an unexpected end-of-file error in cryptographic operations.
20os/signal.ErrInterrupt – Indicates an interruption error related to signal handling.
21io.ErrClosedPipe – Denotes that a pipe has been closed.
22net/http.ErrAbortHandler – Signifies an error during the aborting of an HTTP handler.
23strconv.ErrRange – Indicates an error converting a string to a numeric value that is out of range.
24os.ErrExist – Denotes an error related to a file or directory already existing.
25database/sql.ErrConnDone – Represents an error indicating that a database connection is already closed.
26encoding/base64.ErrLength – Indicates an error with the length of a base64-encoded data.
27errors.New("error message").Unwrap() – Represents an error with a wrapped error for additional context.
28http.ErrHijacked – Denotes an error when a connection has been hijacked.
29os.ErrClosed – Indicates an attempt to use a closed file or directory.
30path/filepath.SkipDir – Signifies that a directory should be skipped in filepath operations.
31os.ErrInvalid – Denotes an invalid operation or argument related to the operating system.
32io.ErrNoProgress – Indicates a lack of progress in an I/O operation.
33io.ErrShortWrite – Signifies a partial write error, where not all data was written.
34reflect.ErrBadPtr – Denotes an error with a bad pointer used in reflection operations.
35os.ErrInvalid – Represents an invalid argument or operation related to the operating system.
36os/signal.ErrClosing – Indicates an error related to closing a signal.
37io.ErrUnexpectedEOF – Signifies an unexpected end-of-file error in I/O operations.
38http.ErrBodyReadAfterClose – Denotes an attempt to read from a closed HTTP response body.
39encoding/xml.ErrSyntax – Indicates a syntax error while parsing XML data.
40path/filepath.ErrBadPattern – Signifies an error with a bad pattern used in filepath operations.
41os.ErrInvalid – Denotes an invalid argument or operation related to the operating system.
42database/sql.ErrTxDone – Represents an error indicating that a transaction is already closed.
43archive/zip.ErrFormat – Indicates an error with the format of a ZIP archive.
44errors.New("error message") – Represents a simple error with a user-defined error message.
45net/http.ErrMissingFile – Denotes a missing file error in an HTTP request.
46strconv.ErrSyntax – Indicates an error parsing a string representation of a value.
47os.ErrClosed – Denotes an attempt to use a closed file or directory.
48io.ErrUnexpectedEOF – Signifies an unexpected end-of-file error in I/O operations.
49net/http.ErrRequestCanceled – Indicates that an HTTP request has been canceled.
50encoding/json.ErrInvalidUTF8 – Denotes an error with invalid UTF-8 encoding in JSON data.

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