List of 160 Error Messages in Web Application – Explained!

Web applications have become an integral part of our daily lives. From social media platforms to online banking and e-commerce websites, these applications enable seamless communication, transactions, and access to valuable information. However, even the most meticulously designed and robustly developed web applications can encounter unforeseen hiccups along the way. When things don’t go as planned, error messages emerge as the humble messengers, bridging the gap between users and developers.

Error messages play a vital role in web application development and usage. They serve as the breadcrumbs that guide us through the labyrinth of technology, shedding light on the nature and cause of encountered issues. These messages communicate critical information, helping users understand what went wrong and providing developers with clues to identify and rectify the underlying problems.

In this article, we delve into the world of error messages in web applications, exploring their importance, common types, and how they contribute to a smoother user experience. We aim to decode the cryptic language of errors, unravel their meanings, and empower both users and developers with the knowledge to navigate and troubleshoot these challenges effectively.

Join us as we unravel the intricacies of error messages, from the frustratingly ambiguous to the surprisingly helpful. Together, we’ll gain a deeper understanding of these digital signposts and learn how to interpret them to our advantage.

So, let’s embark on this enlightening journey and discover the secrets hidden within the language of error messages in web applications.

List of error messages in web application

NumberError MessageExplanation
1400 Bad RequestThis error occurs when the server cannot understand the request made by the client due to malformed syntax or invalid parameters. It’s often caused by a client-side issue, such as incorrect input or missing data. Double-check the request you’re sending and ensure all necessary information is provided correctly.
2401 UnauthorizedWhen you see this error, it means the server requires authentication, but the client failed to provide valid credentials. You might need to log in or provide a valid API key or access token to access the requested resource. Check your credentials and make sure they are correct and up-to-date.
3403 ForbiddenThe server is refusing to fulfill the request because the client does not have sufficient permissions to access the resource. This could be due to an authentication issue or a lack of proper authorization. Contact the website administrator or verify that you have the necessary privileges to access the desired content.
4404 Not FoundThis is one of the most common error messages you might encounter. It means the server cannot find the requested resource. Double-check the URL or link you’re trying to access and ensure it is correct. The page or resource you’re looking for might have been moved, renamed, or deleted.
5405 Method Not AllowedThe requested HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) is not supported for the given resource. This error typically occurs when you’re trying to use an inappropriate method to interact with the resource. Verify that you’re using the correct method and consult the API or documentation for the supported methods.
6500 Internal Server ErrorWhen this error appears, it means something went wrong on the server-side, but the server couldn’t specify the exact problem. It could be due to misconfigurations, code bugs, or infrastructure issues. Unfortunately, as an end user, there’s not much you can do except report the issue to the website administrator and wait for a resolution.
7502 Bad GatewayThis error indicates that a server acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from an upstream server. It typically occurs when the gateway server cannot establish a valid connection or receives an incomplete or corrupted response. Try reloading the page, as the issue might be temporary. If it persists, report it to the website administrator.
8503 Service UnavailableWhen a server is temporarily unavailable or overloaded, it responds with this error. It usually occurs during maintenance or when the server cannot handle the current load. Wait a moment and try again later. If the problem persists, contact the website administrator to report the issue.
9504 Gateway TimeoutThis error is similar to the 502 Bad Gateway, but it specifically indicates that the gateway server didn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server. It often happens when the upstream server is slow or unresponsive. Refresh the page or try again later. If the problem persists, notify the website administrator.
10505 HTTP Version Not SupportedThe HTTP version used in the request is not supported by the server. This usually occurs when the client or the server uses an outdated or unsupported protocol version. Check your HTTP version and ensure it is compatible with the server. If not, update the client or contact the website administrator for support.
1140001 Transaction RollbackThis error message indicates a transaction rollback due to a conflict with another transaction. It typically occurs in database systems when two or more transactions try to modify the same data simultaneously. Review your transaction logic and consider retrying the transaction after a brief delay to avoid conflicts.
1240101 Duplicate Key EntryThis error occurs when an attempt is made to insert or update a record with a primary key or unique index value that already exists in the database. Ensure that you’re not duplicating unique values or check if the record already exists before performing the operation.
1340301 Access DeniedThe user or client making the request does not have sufficient permissions to access the specific resource or perform the desired action. Review the access control settings, permissions, or user roles to ensure they align with the desired functionality. Grant appropriate access or contact the administrator for assistance.
1440401 Page Not FoundSimilar to the standard 404 error, this message specifically indicates that the requested web page or resource is not available. It’s possible that the page has been removed, relocated, or the URL is incorrect. Verify the URL, check for any redirects, or search for the desired content using other available resources.
1550001 Database Connection ErrorThis error message suggests a problem with the database connection. It can occur due to misconfiguration, network issues, or an overloaded database server. Verify the database settings, check the network connectivity, and ensure the database server is running correctly. If necessary, contact the database administrator for further assistance.
1650301 Service Temporarily UnavailableThis error signifies that the web service or API you’re trying to access is temporarily unavailable. It might be undergoing maintenance, experiencing high traffic, or encountering technical difficulties. Wait for some time and try again later. If the issue persists, contact the service provider for support.
1750401 Gateway TimeoutSimilar to the standard 504 Gateway Timeout, this error indicates that the gateway server didn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server while interacting with a specific API or service. Refresh the page or try again later. If the problem persists, reach out to the API/service provider for assistance.
1850501 Unsupported Media TypeThis error occurs when the server doesn’t support the media type or format sent in the request’s headers. Ensure you’re using a supported media type according to the server’s documentation. Verify the Content-Type header and make sure it aligns with the server’s requirements. If needed, convert the data to a supported format.
1950502 Invalid Request MethodThis error occurs when the server receives a request with an unsupported or invalid HTTP method. Ensure that you’re using one of the standard HTTP methods (e.g., GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) that the server supports. Double-check your request and verify that the method is correct according to the API or server documentation.
2040002 Invalid InputThis error message indicates that the input provided in the request is invalid or does not meet the required criteria. Validate the input data against the specified format or constraints. Make sure you’re providing the correct data types, required fields, and adhering to any validation rules set by the server or API.
2140102 Expired SessionWhen you encounter this error, it means your session has expired. Sessions have a limited duration for security purposes, and you need to authenticate again to continue accessing protected resources. Log in again or obtain a new session token or cookie to regain access.
2240302 Cross-Origin Request BlockedThis error occurs when a web page or API endpoint attempts to make a cross-origin request, but the server blocks it due to security restrictions. Cross-origin requests are subject to certain limitations enforced by web browsers. Check the server’s CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) configuration or use appropriate techniques (e.g., CORS headers) to allow the request.
2340402 Broken LinkA broken link error indicates that the URL or hyperlink you’re trying to access is no longer valid. This can happen if the webpage or resource has been permanently removed, the server is down, or the link itself is incorrect. Verify the URL or link you’re using and update it if necessary.
2440501 Method Not Allowed for ResourceThis error message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specific resource. While the resource exists, the server does not support the requested method for that particular resource. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the desired resource.
2550002 Application ErrorThis error suggests that an unexpected error occurred within the application code or server. It could be due to a programming error, a missing dependency, or an unhandled exception. Report the issue to the website or application administrator, providing any relevant details, such as the steps leading to the error or any error codes provided.
2650201 DNS Lookup FailedThe DNS lookup failed error occurs when the server is unable to resolve the domain name specified in the URL. This could be due to DNS misconfigurations, network connectivity issues, or a temporary DNS server outage. Double-check the domain name and ensure your internet connection is stable. If the problem persists, contact your network administrator or internet service provider.
2750302 Service OverwhelmedWhen a service is overwhelmed, it means that the server or infrastructure is unable to handle the current volume of requests. This typically occurs during periods of high traffic or when the server resources are insufficient. Retry the request after a short delay or during off-peak hours. If the issue persists, notify the website administrator or service provider.
2850402 Server TimeoutThis error occurs when the server is unable to receive a timely response from an upstream server or resource within a specified time limit. It often happens when a request takes too long to process or when there are network issues. Refresh the page or retry the request after a brief interval. If the problem persists, report it to the website administrator.
2950503 SSL Certificate ErrorAn SSL certificate error indicates an issue with the security certificate of a website. It occurs when the server’s certificate is expired, invalid, self-signed, or not trusted by the client’s browser. Proceed with caution when encountering such errors, as they may indicate potential security risks. Contact the website administrator if you suspect a certificate-related issue.
3040003 Rate Limit ExceededSome APIs or web services enforce rate limits to prevent abuse or ensure fair usage. If you encounter this error, it means you have exceeded the allowed number of requests within a specific time frame. Review the API documentation for rate limit details and adjust your usage accordingly. Consider implementing backoff strategies or upgrading to a higher rate limit if needed.
3140103 Invalid CredentialsThis error message indicates that the provided credentials, such as username and password, are incorrect or invalid. Double-check the credentials and ensure they match the expected format and requirements. If you continue to experience issues, consider resetting your password or contacting the website or application administrator for assistance.
3240303 IP Address BlockedIf you encounter this error, it means that the server has blocked your IP address from accessing the requested resource. This could be due to suspicious activity, violation of terms of service, or IP-based restrictions. Contact the website administrator to inquire about the block and request assistance in resolving the issue.
3340403 Outdated API VersionThis error message indicates that the requested API version is no longer available or has been deprecated. API providers often introduce changes and improvements, rendering older versions obsolete. Update your API calls to use the latest version or check the API documentation for migration guides and any necessary code changes.
3440502 Method Not Allowed for EndpointSimilar to error 24, this message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specific API endpoint. Review the API documentation to identify the supported methods for the particular endpoint you are trying to access. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
3550003 Database Query ErrorThis error occurs when there’s an issue executing a database query. It could be due to syntax errors, database connectivity problems, or invalid SQL statements. Review your query code, check the database connection, and ensure the SQL statements are correct. If necessary, contact the database administrator or consult the database documentation for assistance.
3650202 Network Connection FailedThe network connection failed error suggests that the server or client device is experiencing network connectivity issues. It could be due to a firewall, network configuration, or an intermittent network problem. Check your network settings, restart your network devices, or contact your network administrator or internet service provider for further assistance.
3750303 Scheduled MaintenanceWhen a server or service is undergoing scheduled maintenance, it responds with this error to indicate that it’s temporarily unavailable. The maintenance aims to improve performance, apply updates, or address security concerns. Wait until the maintenance period is over and try again later. Consult the website or service provider for maintenance schedules.
3850403 Upstream Server TimeoutSimilar to error 28, this error indicates that the upstream server or resource failed to respond within the allotted time. It could be due to the server being overloaded, unresponsive, or experiencing technical difficulties. Retry the request after a brief interval or report the issue to the website administrator or service provider if it persists.
3950504 Invalid URLThis error occurs when the URL provided in the request is malformed, contains invalid characters, or is incorrectly formatted. Double-check the URL syntax, encoding, and ensure it adheres to the expected format specified by the server or API documentation. Make any necessary corrections before retrying the request.
4050505 Server Configuration ErrorThis error indicates a problem with the server’s configuration. It could be due to misconfigured settings, incompatible modules, or conflicting configurations. Check the server logs or contact the website administrator for further assistance.
4140004 Invalid File FormatThis error occurs when the file format or extension provided in the request is not supported by the server or API. Ensure that you’re using a valid and supported file format. Check the server or API documentation for the list of supported file formats and make any necessary adjustments.
4240104 Session ExpiredThis error indicates that your session has expired. Sessions have a limited duration for security reasons, and you need to re-authenticate to continue accessing protected resources. Log in again or obtain a new session token or cookie to regain access.
4340304 Invalid API Key or TokenWhen encountering this error, it means that the API key or access token provided in the request is invalid or has expired. Make sure you’re using a valid and active API key or token. Check the API documentation for instructions on obtaining and using valid credentials.
4440404 Resource Moved or RenamedThis error indicates that the requested resource has been moved or renamed. The server provides this response to inform you that the previously known URL or resource location has changed. Check for any updated URLs or search for the desired content using alternative methods.
4540503 Method Not Allowed for UserSimilar to error 24, this message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the authenticated user. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific user role or privileges. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
4650004 File Upload FailedThis error occurs when a file upload process fails on the server. It could be due to issues with file permissions, file size limits, or network interruptions. Verify the file size, permissions, and check your internet connection. If the issue persists, contact the website administrator for assistance.
4750203 SSL Handshake FailedThe SSL handshake failed error occurs when the server and client cannot establish a secure connection. It could be due to invalid or mismatched SSL certificates, cipher mismatches, or firewall restrictions. Double-check the SSL certificates, verify compatibility, and ensure that the necessary ports are open. If necessary, contact your system administrator or website owner for support.
4850304 Database UnavailableThis error indicates that the database required to fulfill the request is currently unavailable. It could be due to database server issues, maintenance, or connectivity problems. Wait for the database to become available again or contact the database administrator for further assistance.
4950404 Slow Network ConnectionThis error suggests that the network connection between the client and server is slow or unstable, causing delays in the communication. It could be due to network congestion, high latency, or bandwidth limitations. Check your internet connection, try accessing the resource during off-peak hours, or contact your internet service provider for further assistance.
5050506 Server Memory ExhaustedThis error occurs when the server’s memory resources are fully utilized or exhausted. It could be due to memory leaks, inefficient code, or an overload of concurrent requests. Notify the website administrator of the issue, as it requires server-side intervention to optimize memory usage or allocate additional resources.
5140005 Invalid URL ParameterThis error indicates that one or more parameters provided in the URL are invalid or missing. Check the parameter names, values, and ensure they adhere to the required format and constraints specified by the server or API. Make any necessary corrections before retrying the request.
5240105 Access Token ExpiredThis error signifies that the access token provided in the request has expired. Access tokens have a limited lifespan for security purposes, and you need to obtain a new and valid access token to continue accessing protected resources. Refer to the API documentation for instructions on refreshing or obtaining new access tokens.
5340305 Invalid OAuth ScopeWhen using OAuth for authentication, this error occurs when the requested scope or permissions exceed what the authenticated user or client is allowed to access. Verify the requested scopes and ensure they align with the user’s or client’s privileges. Check the OAuth documentation for instructions on requesting the appropriate scopes.
5440405 API Endpoint Not FoundSimilar to error 14, this message specifically indicates that the requested API endpoint is not found. Double-check the endpoint URL, verify the API documentation, and ensure you’re using the correct endpoint path. If the issue persists, contact the API provider for assistance.
5540504 Method Not Allowed for ClientSimilar to error 24 and 45, this error message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the authenticated client. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific client type or application. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
5650005 Insufficient Disk SpaceThis error suggests that the server has insufficient disk space to fulfill the request or store data. It could be due to a disk full situation, file system errors, or limitations imposed by the hosting environment. Contact the website administrator or hosting provider to resolve the disk space issue and ensure sufficient storage is available.
5750204 Invalid Proxy ConfigurationThe invalid proxy configuration error occurs when the server or client encounters an issue with the proxy settings. It could be due to misconfigured proxy servers, invalid proxy authentication, or proxy server unavailability. Verify the proxy settings, ensure correct authentication credentials, or contact the network administrator for assistance.
5850305 Insufficient Server ResourcesThis error indicates that the server doesn’t have enough resources to handle the request. It could be due to limited CPU, memory, or disk capacity. The server might be overloaded or experiencing high traffic. Wait for the server resources to free up or contact the website administrator to address the resource constraints.
5950405 Gateway Read TimeoutThis error occurs when the gateway server doesn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server while reading the response data. It could indicate that the upstream server is slow or unresponsive. Refresh the page or try again later. If the problem persists, report it to the website administrator.
6050507 Invalid Authorization HeaderThis error occurs when the authorization header provided in the request is invalid or incorrectly formatted. Double-check the authorization header syntax, ensure it includes the correct credentials or access token, and adheres to the server’s requirements. Make any necessary corrections before retrying the request.
6140006 Invalid Request BodyThis error occurs when the request body content is invalid or doesn’t meet the server’s requirements. Verify that the request body is properly formatted and includes all the necessary data. Check the server or API documentation for the expected request body format and make any necessary adjustments.
6240106 Invalid Refresh TokenWhen using token-based authentication with refresh tokens, this error indicates that the provided refresh token is invalid or expired. Obtain a new and valid refresh token by following the authentication flow defined in the API documentation. If the issue persists, contact the API provider for assistance.
6340306 Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) DetectedThis error occurs when a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack is detected. CSRF attacks happen when an unauthorized party tries to perform actions on behalf of an authenticated user. Check your application’s CSRF protection mechanisms, such as CSRF tokens, and ensure they are properly implemented.
6440406 Invalid Redirect URIThis error indicates that the redirect URI provided in the request is invalid or not registered with the server or API. Verify that the redirect URI is correct, properly encoded, and matches the registered URI in your application settings. Make any necessary corrections before retrying the request.
6540505 Method Not Allowed for Resource TypeSimilar to error 24 and 45, this error message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified resource type. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the resource type you’re trying to access. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
6650006 External Service Dependency FailureThis error suggests that the web application encountered a failure in an external service or dependency it relies on. It could be due to an issue with a third-party API, database, or other external components. Report the issue to the website administrator or service provider, as they will need to investigate and resolve the underlying problem.
6750205 Invalid Content EncodingThe invalid content encoding error occurs when the server or client encounters content with an unsupported or invalid encoding. It could be due to misconfigured compression or encoding settings. Verify the content encoding settings and ensure they align with the expected format specified by the server or API. Make any necessary corrections before retrying the request.
6850306 Insufficient BandwidthThis error indicates that the server or network has insufficient bandwidth to handle the request. It could be due to high network congestion or limitations imposed by the hosting environment. Wait for the bandwidth to free up or contact the website administrator or hosting provider to address the bandwidth constraints.
6950406 Gateway Write TimeoutThis error occurs when the gateway server doesn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server while writing the request data. It could indicate that the upstream server is slow or unresponsive. Refresh the page or try again later. If the problem persists, report it to the website administrator.
7050508 Invalid Response FormatThis error suggests that the server’s response is in an unexpected or invalid format that the client cannot handle or parse. It could be due to server misconfiguration or issues with the response generation. Contact the website administrator or service provider to investigate and resolve the response format issue.
7140007 Request TimeoutThe request timeout error occurs when the server did not receive a complete request within the specified time limit. It could be due to network issues, slow connection, or server misconfiguration. Check your network connection, retry the request, or contact the website administrator if the issue persists.
7240107 Invalid Client CredentialsThis error indicates that the provided client credentials (e.g., client ID, client secret) are invalid or incorrect. Verify that you’re using the correct client credentials as provided by the API or server documentation. If the issue persists, contact the API provider for assistance in obtaining valid client credentials.
7340307 Rate Limit ExceededThis error message indicates that the rate limit for the requested resource or API has been exceeded. Review the rate limit restrictions specified by the API documentation and adjust your usage accordingly. Consider implementing backoff strategies or upgrading to a higher rate limit if needed.
7440407 API Version Not FoundThis error occurs when the requested API version is not found or does not exist. It could be due to the API version being deprecated or no longer supported. Check the API documentation for available versions and update your requests to use a valid and supported version.
7540506 Method Not Allowed for User AgentSimilar to error 24 and 45, this error message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified user agent or client type. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific user agent or client. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
7650007 Invalid Database ConfigurationThis error suggests that the database is misconfigured or has incorrect settings. It could be due to issues with connection strings, authentication credentials, or database engine compatibility. Review the database configuration, verify the connection details, and consult the database documentation or contact the database administrator for assistance.
7750206 Server Load Balancer FailureThis error indicates that the server’s load balancer has encountered a failure or is unable to distribute incoming traffic properly. It could be due to misconfigurations, overloaded servers, or network issues. Report the issue to the website administrator or hosting provider to investigate and resolve the load balancer-related problem.
7850307 Invalid OAuth ClientWhen using OAuth for authentication, this error occurs when the OAuth client ID or credentials provided in the request are invalid or not recognized. Verify that you’re using valid and registered OAuth client credentials. Check the OAuth documentation or contact the OAuth provider for assistance in obtaining valid client credentials.
7950407 Upstream Server Write TimeoutThis error occurs when the gateway server doesn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server while writing the response data. It could indicate that the upstream server is slow or unresponsive. Refresh the page or try again later. If the problem persists, report it to the website administrator.
8050509 Incompatible API VersionThis error indicates that the API version specified in the request is incompatible with the server or API. It could be due to differences in functionality, endpoints, or data structures between API versions. Review the API documentation for compatible versions and adjust your requests to use a compatible API version.
8140008 Invalid Authorization CodeWhen using OAuth for authentication, this error occurs when the provided authorization code is invalid or expired. Ensure that you’re using a valid and unexpired authorization code obtained through the authorization flow. If the issue persists, contact the OAuth provider for assistance.
8240108 Two-Factor Authentication RequiredThis error indicates that two-factor authentication (2FA) is required to access the requested resource. Enable 2FA and provide the necessary verification code or token to proceed. Check the authentication settings or contact the website administrator for assistance with setting up and using 2FA.
8340308 Request Blocked by FirewallThis error occurs when the server’s firewall blocks the incoming request due to security rules or restrictions. The firewall might be set up to block certain IP addresses, specific user agents, or malicious activities. Verify that your request complies with the firewall rules, or contact the website administrator to inquire about the block and request assistance.
8440408 Resource RestrictedThis error message indicates that the requested resource is restricted and not available to the user or client making the request. It could be due to access restrictions, subscription limitations, or other authorization rules. Contact the website administrator or service provider to inquire about the resource access and request any necessary permissions.
8540507 Method Not Allowed for API VersionSimilar to error 24, this message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified API version. Review the API documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific API version. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
8650008 Invalid SessionThis error suggests that the provided session is invalid or corrupted. It could be due to session timeout, session tampering, or server-side session storage issues. Try logging in again to obtain a new session or contact the website administrator for assistance with resolving the invalid session issue.
8750207 Service Discovery FailedThe service discovery failed error occurs when the server or client encounters difficulties in discovering or locating the required services or resources. It could be due to misconfigurations, network issues, or unavailability of the service discovery mechanism. Check the service discovery configuration or contact the network administrator for assistance.
8850308 Database Connection Pool ExhaustedThis error suggests that the database connection pool has reached its maximum capacity and cannot handle additional connections. It could be due to misconfigurations, a high number of concurrent connections, or insufficient resources. Review the connection pool settings, increase the pool size if necessary, or optimize the application’s database connection usage.
8950408 Upstream Server Read TimeoutThis error occurs when the gateway server doesn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server while reading the response data. It could indicate that the upstream server is slow or unresponsive. Refresh the page or try again later. If the problem persists, report it to the website administrator.
9050510 Incompatible Data FormatThis error indicates that the data format used in the request or response is incompatible with the server or API. It could be due to differences in data structures, encoding, or serialization formats. Review the API documentation for compatible data formats and adjust your requests or data accordingly to ensure compatibility.
9140009 Invalid CSRF TokenThis error occurs when the provided Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token is invalid or missing. CSRF tokens are used to prevent CSRF attacks by validating the authenticity of requests. Ensure that you include the correct CSRF token in your requests as required by the server or application. If the issue persists, contact the website administrator for assistance.
9240109 Unauthorized AccessThis error indicates that the requested resource or action requires authorization, but the user or client making the request is not authorized. Verify that you have the necessary permissions or authentication credentials to access the resource. If you believe you should have access, contact the website administrator for assistance.
9340309 Invalid CORS ConfigurationThis error occurs when the server’s Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration is invalid or misconfigured. CORS allows or restricts cross-origin requests between different domains. Verify the server’s CORS settings and ensure they align with the expected configuration. Make any necessary adjustments to the CORS configuration to resolve the issue.
9440409 Invalid API EndpointSimilar to error 14 and 54, this message specifically indicates that the requested API endpoint is invalid or does not exist. Double-check the endpoint URL, verify the API documentation, and ensure you’re using the correct endpoint path. If the issue persists, contact the API provider for assistance.
9540508 Method Not Allowed for Media TypeThis error occurs when the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified media type or content type. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific media type. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method for the provided media type.
9650009 Insufficient PermissionsThis error suggests that the user or client making the request does not have sufficient permissions to perform the requested action or access the resource. Verify that you have the necessary permissions assigned to your account or contact the website administrator to inquire about the required permissions and request assistance.
9750208 Invalid SSL ConfigurationThe invalid SSL configuration error occurs when the server’s SSL configuration is invalid or misconfigured. It could be due to issues with SSL certificates, cipher suites, or SSL protocols. Verify the SSL configuration settings, ensure the certificates are valid and correctly installed, and consult the server or SSL documentation for further assistance.
9850309 Database DeadlockThis error occurs when there is a deadlock situation in the database system. Deadlocks happen when multiple transactions or processes compete for resources in a way that prevents them from proceeding. The database system automatically detects and resolves deadlocks, but it may require modifying the transaction logic or database schema to avoid such conflicts.
9950409 Upstream Server UnavailableThis error indicates that the upstream server, which the gateway server is trying to connect to, is currently unavailable. It could be due to server downtime, network issues, or other factors preventing the connection. Refresh the page or try again later. If the problem persists, report it to the website administrator or service provider.
10050511 Deprecated APIThis error message indicates that the API you’re attempting to use has been deprecated and is no longer supported. Deprecated APIs are replaced with newer versions or alternative approaches. Review the API documentation for information on the
10140010 Invalid Request ParametersThis error occurs when one or more request parameters provided are invalid or missing. Check the required parameters and their formats specified in the API or server documentation. Ensure that all necessary parameters are included and meet the specified criteria. If the issue persists, review the request parameters and make the necessary corrections.
10240110 Token Authentication FailedThis error indicates that the authentication using a token, such as a JWT (JSON Web Token), has failed. It could be due to an expired or tampered token, mismatched signing key, or other authentication-related issues. Verify the token’s validity, expiration, and integrity. If the problem persists, contact the website or API administrator for assistance.
10340310 Resource ForbiddenThis error message signifies that the requested resource is forbidden and access is denied. It could be due to permissions, access control rules, or other security restrictions. Ensure that you have the necessary privileges to access the resource. If you believe you should have access, contact the website administrator for assistance.
10440410 Endpoint DeprecatedThis error occurs when the requested endpoint has been deprecated and is no longer available. Deprecated endpoints are replaced with alternative endpoints or functionalities. Review the API documentation for information on the updated or recommended endpoints to use. Adjust your requests accordingly to the new endpoints.
10540509 Method Not Allowed for Client TypeSimilar to error 24, 45, and 75, this error message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified client type or application. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific client type or application. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
10650010 Server Configuration ConflictThis error occurs when there is a conflict in the server’s configuration. It could be due to conflicting settings, duplicate entries, or incompatible configurations. Review the server configuration files, ensure there are no conflicting directives, and make the necessary adjustments to resolve the conflict.
10750209 Invalid Proxy AuthenticationThe invalid proxy authentication error occurs when the provided proxy authentication credentials are invalid or incorrect. Verify the proxy authentication settings and ensure the correct username and password or other authentication credentials are used. If necessary, contact the network administrator or proxy provider for assistance.
10850310 Resource Temporarily UnavailableThis error indicates that the requested resource is temporarily unavailable. It could be due to maintenance, server upgrades, or other temporary issues. Wait for the resource to become available again and try again later. Consult the website or service provider for any maintenance schedules or additional information.
10950410 Upstream Server Connection FailedThis error occurs when the gateway server fails to establish a connection with the upstream server. It could be due to network issues, server unavailability, or other connectivity problems. Check your network connection, ensure the upstream server is running, and contact the website administrator or service provider if the issue persists.
11050512 Incompatible Browser VersionThis error message indicates that the user’s browser version is incompatible with the web application. It could be due to outdated browser software or lack of support for required features. Advise the user to update their browser to the latest version or use a different browser that supports the web application’s requirements.
11140011 Invalid Date FormatThis error occurs when a date parameter provided in the request has an invalid format. Check the required date format specified in the API or server documentation and ensure that the provided date adheres to the required format. Make any necessary corrections to the date format before resubmitting the request.
11240111 User Authentication FailedThis error indicates that the user authentication has failed. It could be due to incorrect login credentials, expired accounts, or other authentication-related issues. Double-check the username and password, verify the account status, and ensure the authentication process is functioning correctly. If the problem persists, contact the website administrator for assistance.
11340311 IP Address Not WhitelistedThis error occurs when the user’s IP address is not included in the whitelist or allowed IP addresses for accessing the resource. Whitelisting is a security measure that restricts access to specific IP addresses. Contact the website administrator to inquire about whitelisting policies and request inclusion of the IP address if necessary.
11440411 Resource Moved PermanentlyThis error indicates that the requested resource has been permanently moved to a different location. The server provides this response to inform you about the new URL or resource location. Update your requests with the new URL or search for the desired content using the updated resource location.
11540510 Method Not Allowed for User TypeSimilar to error 24, 45, 75, and 95, this error message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified user type or role. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific user type or role. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
11650011 Invalid Database CredentialsThis error suggests that the provided database credentials, such as username or password, are invalid or incorrect. Verify the database connection settings, including the credentials, and ensure they are correct. If necessary, contact the database administrator or hosting provider for assistance with resolving the invalid credentials issue.
11750210 Server DNS Resolution FailedThe server DNS resolution failed error occurs when the server is unable to resolve the domain name of the requested resource. It could be due to DNS misconfiguration, network issues, or DNS server unavailability. Check your DNS settings, ensure the DNS servers are reachable, and contact the network administrator or DNS provider for further assistance.
11850311 Service UnavailableThis error indicates that the requested service is temporarily unavailable. It could be due to service disruptions, server issues, or system maintenance. Wait for the service to become available again and try again later. Contact the service provider or website administrator for additional information or updates on service availability.
11950411 Upstream Server Connection TimeoutThis error occurs when the gateway server cannot establish a connection with the upstream server within the allotted time. It could be due to network issues, server overload, or unresponsive upstream server. Retry the request after a brief interval or report the issue to the website administrator or service provider if it persists.
12050513 Missing Required ParameterThis error occurs when a required parameter is missing from the request. Check the API or server documentation to identify the required parameters for the specific endpoint or resource. Ensure that all mandatory parameters are included in the request and make any necessary adjustments to provide the required parameters.
12140012 Invalid Time ZoneThis error occurs when a provided time zone parameter is invalid or not recognized. Check the accepted time zone values specified in the API or server documentation and ensure that the provided time zone is valid. Make any necessary corrections to the time zone parameter before resubmitting the request.
12240112 Expired SessionThis error indicates that the user session has expired. Sessions have a limited duration for security reasons, and users need to re-authenticate to continue accessing protected resources. Log in again or obtain a new session token or cookie to regain access.
12340312 Access ForbiddenThis error message signifies that access to the requested resource is forbidden. It could be due to security policies, access control rules, or other restrictions. Ensure that you have the necessary permissions or contact the website administrator for assistance with accessing the resource.
12440412 Resource Not FoundSimilar to error 14 and 54, this message specifically indicates that the requested resource is not found. Double-check the resource URL, verify the API documentation, and ensure you’re using the correct resource path. If the issue persists, contact the API provider or website administrator for assistance.
12540511 Method Not Allowed for ResourceSimilar to error 24, 45, 75, 95, and 115, this error message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified resource. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific resource. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
12650012 Database Connection FailedThis error occurs when the web application fails to establish a connection with the database. It could be due to incorrect connection settings, database server issues, or network problems. Verify the database connection settings and ensure the database server is accessible. If necessary, contact the database administrator or hosting provider for assistance.
12750211 Invalid Proxy ConfigurationThe invalid proxy configuration error occurs when the server or client encounters an issue with the proxy configuration. It could be due to misconfigured proxy servers, incorrect proxy settings, or proxy server unavailability. Verify the proxy settings, ensure correct configuration, or contact the network administrator for assistance.
12850312 Service OverloadedThis error indicates that the server is currently overloaded and unable to handle the request. It could be due to high traffic, resource limitations, or other factors. Wait for the server load to decrease or contact the website administrator for further assistance.
12950412 Gateway Connection TimeoutThis error occurs when the gateway server doesn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server while establishing a connection. It could indicate that the upstream server is slow or unresponsive. Retry the request after a brief interval or report the issue to the website administrator or service provider if it persists.
13050514 Invalid LanguageThis error indicates that the specified language parameter or header in the request is invalid or not supported. Check the acceptable language values specified in the API or server documentation and ensure that the provided language is valid. Make any necessary corrections to the language parameter before resubmitting the request.
13140013 Invalid Pagination ParametersThis error occurs when the pagination parameters provided in the request are invalid or incorrect. Check the pagination parameters, such as page number, page size, or cursor, and ensure they conform to the required format and constraints specified in the API or server documentation. Make any necessary adjustments before resubmitting the request.
13240113 Invalid Access TokenThis error indicates that the provided access token in the request is invalid or incorrect. Verify the access token’s authenticity, validity, and integrity. If the access token is expired or tampered with, obtain a new and valid access token through the authentication flow. If the issue persists, contact the website or API administrator for assistance.
13340313 Resource Limit ExceededThis error occurs when the allocated limit for accessing a resource has been exceeded. It could be due to reaching a maximum number of requests, storage capacity, or other resource-based restrictions. Review the usage limits and adjust your requests or resource consumption accordingly. If needed, contact the website or API administrator for assistance.
13440413 Dependency Not FoundThis error indicates that a required dependency or external resource is not found or missing. It could be due to missing libraries, files, or network connectivity issues. Verify that all necessary dependencies are installed and accessible. If the issue persists, contact the website or application administrator for assistance with resolving the missing dependency.
13540512 Method Not Allowed for Data TypeThis error occurs when the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified data type or content format. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific data type or format. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method for the provided data type.
13650013 Server Disk I/O ErrorThis error suggests that the server encountered an input/output (I/O) error when reading from or writing to disk. It could be due to disk failure, file system corruption, or insufficient disk space. Contact the website administrator or hosting provider to investigate and resolve the disk I/O error.
13750212 Invalid Load Balancer ConfigurationThis error occurs when there is an issue with the configuration of the load balancer. It could be due to misconfigured load balancing rules, incorrect backend server settings, or other configuration-related problems. Review the load balancer configuration and ensure it aligns with the desired setup. If needed, contact the network administrator or hosting provider for assistance.
13850313 Database Query TimeoutThis error occurs when a database query takes longer than the specified timeout duration to execute. It could be due to complex queries, inefficient database design, or database server performance issues. Optimize the database query, ensure the necessary indexes are in place, or adjust the timeout settings if applicable. If necessary, consult the database administrator for further assistance.
13950413 Upstream Server Response TimeoutThis error occurs when the gateway server doesn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server after sending the request. It could indicate that the upstream server is slow or unresponsive. Retry the request after a brief interval or report the issue to the website administrator or service provider if it persists.
14050515 Invalid CurrencyThis error indicates that the specified currency parameter or value in the request is invalid or not supported. Check the accepted currency codes specified in the API or server documentation and ensure that the provided currency is valid. Make any necessary corrections to the currency parameter before resubmitting the request.
14140014 Invalid Image FormatThis error occurs when an image file or content provided in the request has an invalid or unsupported format. Verify that you’re using a valid image format, such as JPEG, PNG, or GIF, and ensure the image file is not corrupted. Make any necessary adjustments to the image format or provide a valid image file before resubmitting the request.
14240114 Invalid Biometric AuthenticationThis error indicates that the provided biometric authentication, such as fingerprint or face recognition, is invalid or not recognized. Ensure that the biometric data is captured correctly and matches the enrolled biometric template. If the issue persists, contact the website or application administrator for assistance with resolving the biometric authentication issue.
14340314 Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) BlockedThis error occurs when the server blocks cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) requests from the requesting origin. CORS restrictions are set up to prevent unauthorized access or protect sensitive data. Ensure that the requesting domain is allowed in the server’s CORS configuration. If needed, contact the website administrator for assistance.
14440414 Deprecated Library or FrameworkThis error indicates that the used library or framework is deprecated and no longer recommended for use. Deprecated libraries may have security vulnerabilities or lack support for modern requirements. Consider upgrading to a newer library or framework that is actively maintained and supported.
14540513 Method Not Allowed for User Agent TypeSimilar to error 24, 45, 75, 95, 115, and 125, this error message specifically indicates that the requested HTTP method is not allowed for the specified user agent type or client. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific user agent type. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method.
14650014 Insufficient Server MemoryThis error suggests that the server has insufficient memory to handle the request. It could be due to memory leaks, inefficient code, or resource-intensive processes. Notify the website administrator of the issue, as it requires server-side intervention to optimize memory usage or allocate additional resources.
14750213 Invalid WebSocket ConfigurationThe invalid WebSocket configuration error occurs when there is an issue with the configuration of WebSocket connections. It could be due to misconfigured WebSocket endpoints, incompatible protocols, or other configuration-related problems. Review the WebSocket configuration and ensure it aligns with the desired setup. If needed, contact the website administrator or hosting provider for assistance.
14850314 Insufficient Server Processing PowerThis error indicates that the server doesn’t have enough processing power to handle the request. It could be due to limited CPU capacity, inefficient algorithms, or heavy computational load. Wait for the server resources to free up or contact the website administrator to address the resource constraints.
14950414 Gateway Connection FailedThis error occurs when the gateway server fails to establish a connection with the upstream server while proxying the request. It could be due to network issues, server unavailability, or other connectivity problems. Check your network connection, ensure the upstream server is running, and contact the website administrator or service provider if the issue persists.
15050516 Invalid File TypeThis error indicates that the uploaded file has an invalid or unsupported file type. Verify that you’re uploading a file with a supported file type, such as PDF, DOCX, or JPG. Ensure that the file is not corrupted or exceeds any size limitations. Make any necessary adjustments to the file type or provide a valid file before resubmitting the request.
15140015 Invalid Authentication MethodThis error occurs when the provided authentication method in the request is invalid or not supported. Verify that you’re using a valid and supported authentication method according to the API or server documentation. If the issue persists, contact the website or API administrator for assistance.
15240115 Access Token RevokedThis error indicates that the provided access token has been revoked and is no longer valid for authentication. Revoked access tokens are typically invalidated due to security reasons or user actions. Obtain a new access token through the authentication flow to continue accessing protected resources. If needed, contact the website or API administrator for assistance.
15340315 Invalid SSL CertificateThis error occurs when the server encounters an invalid or untrusted SSL certificate. It could be due to certificate expiration, mismatched hostnames, or issues with the certificate chain. Verify the SSL certificate’s validity and ensure it is correctly installed and trusted. If necessary, contact the website administrator or hosting provider to resolve the SSL certificate issue.
15440415 Resource Temporarily MovedThis error indicates that the requested resource has been temporarily moved to a different location. The server provides this response to inform you about the temporary new URL or resource location. Update your requests with the new URL or follow the provided redirection instructions to access the desired content.
15540514 Method Not Allowed for Data SizeThis error occurs when the requested HTTP method is not allowed due to the size or length of the data being sent. Review the API or server documentation to identify the supported methods for the specific data size or length. Adjust your request accordingly to use a supported method for the provided data size.
15650015 Database Replication ErrorThis error suggests that there is an error or inconsistency in the database replication process. Database replication is used for data redundancy and fault tolerance. Verify the replication configuration, monitor the replication status, and consult the database administrator for assistance in resolving the replication error.
15750214 Invalid Reverse Proxy ConfigurationThis error occurs when there is an issue with the configuration of the reverse proxy server. It could be due to misconfigured routing rules, incorrect backend server settings, or other configuration-related problems. Review the reverse proxy configuration and ensure it aligns with the desired setup. If needed, contact the network administrator or hosting provider for assistance.
15850315 Service DegradedThis error indicates that the requested service is currently experiencing degraded performance or reduced functionality. It could be due to high load, system upgrades, or infrastructure issues. Continue using the service, but expect reduced performance or limited functionality. Contact the service provider or website administrator for updates or additional information.
15950415 Gateway TimeoutThis error occurs when the gateway server doesn’t receive a timely response from the upstream server while waiting for the response. It could indicate that the upstream server is slow or unresponsive. Retry the request after a brief interval or report the issue to the website administrator or service provider if it persists.
16050517 Invalid File SizeThis error indicates that the uploaded file exceeds the allowed file size limit. Verify the file size limitations specified in the API or server documentation and ensure that the uploaded file size falls within the permitted range. Make any necessary adjustments to the file size or provide a file that meets the size requirements before resubmitting the request.

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