Folder Structure Of ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 Application

Folder Structure Of ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 Application

In this article, we are going to discuss the Folder Structure Of ASP.NET Core MVC 6 . 0 application. In the previous post, we have created an ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 project. Here is the link. Let's Get started: 1: Open the project: Go to your folder in which you have created your project and double-click on the solution file. Now the project is opened and you can see the folders in solution explorer. Now let's understand the folder structure. 2: Open ".csproj" file: Right-click on your project file and select "Edit Project" to open ".csproj" file. After clicking on…
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What is ASP.NET Repeater Controls

What is ASP.NET Repeater Controls

In this article we are going to discuss ASP.NET Repeater Controls in the detail and How to use repeater controls in ASP.NET. Intro: ASP.NET repeater control is used to display repeated records that are bound to the controls.  Repeater control can be bound to database records, XML, or with the list of items. Repeater control is a data bind control and creates a link between source of record (Database) and presentation UI to display records. In short repeater control in simple container that display specific database records in the table form. It provides different layouts to display the records. It…
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ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions

ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions

The most sensitive and challenging time for a developer is interview time. If you are preparing for an ASP.NET MVC Interview Questions, you should know the top questions and answers of ASP.NET MVC that we listed below after significant research in the software industry. 1. What is MVC? MVC stands for Model View Controller. MVC was designed in 1970 and widely adopted on the web. It is a framework/architecture to build applications efficiently. As you can understand by its name MVC contains three portions/layers Model, View and Controller. Now the question is, what is Model View Controller. Model handles the data…
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How To Create Razor Pages In ASP.NET Core 6.0

How To Create Razor Pages In ASP.NET Core 6.0

Intro: In this article, we are going to discuss how to Create Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core 6.0 using visual studio 2022. What are Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core? Razor Pages is a feature of ASP.NET Core that makes coding page-focused scenarios easier and more productive and it was introduced in ASP.NET Core 2.0. Razor pages are used to create cross-platform, data-driven, server-side web pages. In MVC we have, controller, view, and model folders but in razor pages, we only have a pages folder. Razor pages are mostly used to create small applications. If we have to change something in…
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How To Create ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 Application

How To Create ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 Application

Intro: In this article, we are going to learn How to Create ASP.NET Core MVC 6.0 Application using Visual Studio 2022. If you have not installed Visual Studio 2022 yet. Go first and install this and do not forget to install .NET Core SDK 6.0. What is ASP.NET Core MVC? Let's have a short intro we will not dive deep into this. ASP.NET Core MVC is a C# based popular framework to create web applications using MVC Framework. MVC is a framework that has 3 sections Model, View, and controller. The model section has the classes of database entities, the…
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Pointers in C#

Pointers in C#

Introduction: C# provides very limited support for pointers. C# pointers are nothing but variables containing memory location of another type. C# pointers can only contain the memory location of value types and arrays. Pointers in C# are not tracked by the default garbage collection mechanism. For the same reason, pointers can not point to a reference type or structure type that contains a reference type. C# Pointers can point to only basic data types like enum types, bool types, other pointers types, and structs that contain unmanaged data types, not reference types. Declairation of C# Pointers: The template of declaring…
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What is ASP.NET Page Life Cycle

What is ASP.NET Page Life Cycle

ASP.NET Page Life Cycle is when a page is requested there are series of processes to load it on user side. These series of processes needs to be completed to load a page succesfully on user end. When a page is requested by user the page is loaded into the server memory and sent it to the user-end(browser). So these series processed like initialization, instantiation, restoring and maintaining state etc are performed on server. Developers needs to understand this ASP.NET page life cycle to override it on custom requirement. Let's look these processes/phases into details. Page Request: This phase occurs…
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How to Improve ASP.NET Website Performance

How to Improve ASP.NET Website Performance

In online business ASP.NET website performance or web application performance matters a lot. If your ASP.NET website is not optimized so the audience will press the back button and open an alternative. If you have an ASP.NET Application and it's not optimized. The audience will sooner or later start complaining or find an alternative. Whenever we talk about user-friendly applications the optimization and performance are some of the key factors that we count first. When we develop an ASP.NET Application we should take care of what elements we are using and how can we optimize each component better. If we…
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What is Dependency Injection in C#

What is Dependency Injection in C#

In this article, we are going to briefly discuss the Dependency Injection in C#. Dependency Injection (DI) is mostly used in complex and real-time applications. But nowadays it's being normal to use Dependency Injection (DI) in every common application. As a developer, it is compulsory to know why we need Dependency Injection (DI) and what kind of results we can achieve by using it. Before we jump into “What is Dependency Injection (DI) in C#” we must know that why we need this in our design pattern. Why do we need Dependency Injection (DI) in C#? Dependency Injection (DI) is…
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